Chapter 18: Ordinary Human World

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Chapter 18 Summary

While out hunting, Curtis is suddenly transported into a strange, new world where beastmen have never existed and everything was incredibly advanced.

How was this possible?! Why are there so many females around? What are these ugly, block-like buildings? And what is that foul stench in the air?

Despite his sudden relocation and foreign surroundings, Curtis was grateful that he landed in the dwelling of the most perfect female in existence - Thank you Beast God!

Meanwhile, 009 is internally screaming.

Why is there some random fictional character in her room?! And how does she return him?!


* I've been wanting to do the opposite isekai for a while now so here you go - a beastman in the human world.

* The title is a parody of Odd Beast World Lol

* The bad smell is the pollution in the air which Curtis is not used to like us.

* Kudos to those who can figure out what modern things Curtis is trying to describe. Sorry if you can't tell cuz my descriptions are shit Lol

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. The images do not belong to me.


A large, red snake slithered through the forest, his scarlet eyes fixated on his prey, an unsuspecting boar.

Curtis smirked. With his tetra-marked status, this was so easy, he could do it with his eyes closed.

Just as he reached his prey, fangs at the ready, Curtis's surroundings suddenly blurred, losing his sight for a few seconds.

He blinked and his sight was restored but there one problem.....

He had no idea where he was.

Instead of the familiar, lush forest near Camel Hump Valley, Curtis's gaze was met by the sight of some kind of odd dwelling. It was a small home full of strange things like a large, flat rectangle mounted on the wall and the weirdest furniture he'd ever seen.

On the odd-looking table with a shiny surface, there was another flat black rectangle like the one on the wall, but smaller, with some kind smooth block-like rocks attached to it's sides. One rock was a shockingly bright blue and the other a bright red. Each had some small black circles on the them along with some other black bumps.

Feeling extremely curious, Curtis poked one of the small black circles and flinched as the black rectangle suddenly brightened up.

Curtis hissed, his forked tongue flicking out and then immediately grimaced as he scented the air

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Curtis hissed, his forked tongue flicking out and then immediately grimaced as he scented the air.

What in the name of the Beast God was that awful stench?!

It stank like a rotten corpse!

Curtis hissed and tried moving towards an area where it didn't stink, his large red tail knocking most of the strange furniture over in his rush.

As he reached to what appeared to be a threshold of another room, Curtis's red eyes widened as he inhaled the most exquisite scent he'd ever known.

It smelled like wildflowers with an undercurrent of something that he couldn't describe but was incredibly addicting the more he inhaled.

So fresh! So clean!

And he's not just saying that because of the horrid stench he'd escaped from.

Taking another deep breath, he felt his eyes roll back in pleasure as savoured the wonderful scent.

In a daze, Curtis slowly slithered into the room where the exquisite smell was the strongest, but snapped out of it as his red eyes met bright green eyes.

Eyes that were currently trying to glare him to death.

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get in here?!"

But Curtis couldn't respond since his breath was stolen away by the sight of the most beautiful female he'd ever seen (and considering he'd met a mermaid - that's saying something!).

A gorgeous female stood on top of some kind of squishy-looking large rectangle with oddly designed furs surrounding her. She had long silvery-gold hair, pale skin like his own and the brightest green eyes he'd ever seen. He'd never seen green eyes in that shade before nor did he think it was possible.

Her attire was just as strange as their surroundings, but Curtis appreciated how they hugged her stunning figure. Especially her chest.

Curtis blinked as he realised she was holding her arm out towards him, palm up. Was she telling him not to come closer? Was she scared of him?

He leaned back a bit as she watched his every move, her beautiful face completely stoic and green eyes practically burning a whole into his face with how hard she was glaring.

"Don't be scared, litte female," said Curtis as coaxingly as possible. "I mean you no harm." He smirked at her, red eyes roaming her figure without shame.


"Aaargh!" Curtis felt the breath knocked out of him as his body suddenly somehow slammed itself onto the wall behind him.

He huffed, trying to move but found that his body wouldn't comply, staying stuck to the wall and completely immobile.

Curtis could only move his head as he looked up and froze, his gaze landing back on the green-eyed female who still had her arm facing his direction.

Curtis was no fool.

It didn't take him long to figure out what happened to him - or should he say who?

This was no ordinary female.

"I said," the green-eyed Goddess gritted out, a fierce a scowl on her face. " Who are you?" She gave his frozen body a brief once-over. "And how did you get here?"

Curtis couldn't tell if he was more aroused or terrified.

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