Chapter 20: One Plus Nine Part 1

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Chapter 20 Summary

001 and Bai Qingqing arrive at the same time and place in the Beast World. 001 quickly gets rid of the wolves with his powers and leaves the area, completely ignoring Bai who is stuck up a tree until Parker eventually finds and saves her.

As Bai is taken to Camel Hump Valley, 001 finds 009 on the outskirts of the leopard village, appearing suddenly just like him. They decide to stick together (much to 001's pleasure). While trying to woo 009, he creates an elaborate mansion just outside the village for them to live in as they figure out where they are.

(What? You think the most powerful being in the world would settle for a measly hut? As if!)

Hearing rumours about the strange, handsome man with incredible powers living nearby, Bai is quick to approach him, thinking he was a human just like her (albeit with powers).

They were both from the human world so he'd definitely help her, right? Bai remembered how he saved her from those wolves so effortlessly (she ignored the fact he was also saving himself and ditched her).

As Bai Qingqing arrives at the doorstep of 001's beautifully built mansion, she feels confident that he was a human like her.

Surely, he'd help her......right?


* 009 and 001 have no knowledge of the Beast World in this storyline.

* Bai only thinks 001 is like her (besides the powers) because they both just randomly appeared in the Beast World together.

* 001 found 009 as Bai arrived in the village so no one else knows 009 is here for now.

* All the Lab experiments are evolved humans called Homo Superior. The evolved form of Homo Sapiens (humans). I borrowed the term from X-Men. Also, the Lab scientists named them that.

* 001 hates humans (Can you blame him? They trapped & tortured him in the Lab). He sees humans as the lesser species and completely useless.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


001 shoved Bai Qingqing away from him with a snarl.

"Get away from me! I want nothing to do with you, Homo Sapien!" He sneered in disgust at the average human girl.

With tears in her eyes, Bai Qingqing stumbled from his hard shove and fell onto the floor in front of the mansion's entrance, her lip trembling.

"B-B-But your s-supposed to help m-me," the girl whimpered, looking up the dark-haired handsome man with an innocently pathetic look. "A-And we're both humans! So why....?"

001 scoffed. "You think we're the same?! HA!" He looked down at her, lip curling with disgust. "You are just a weakling human!" He glared at her, his unnatural glowing blue eyes frightening her. "I am Homo Superior - The advanced species." He stated with an air of arrogance, scowling at her. "And you are nothing."

"001! That's enough!" Came 009's stern voice from inside the mansion the two Lab experiments shared.

The scowl from 001's face immediately vanished and was replaced by a cocky smirk, his bright blue eyes practically sparkling as an annoyed 009 joined him by the open door of their mansion.

Bai Qingqing nearly had whiplash from his sudden change in mood as the blonde beauty now joined them. Despite herself, she felt a sliver of jealousy at the obvious adoration in the dark-haired man's eyes as he kept his gaze on the blonde female.

Ever since she'd got here, males had been practically throwing themselves at her, begging for Bai's attention. Why was he so different? Was it because he was - what did he call it? Homo Superior? But the beastmen here were also a different species and they still found Bai extremely attractive.

So, why was this tall, dark and handsome man so different?

Bai gave the blonde female a quick once-over and felt her self-esteem wither and crumble to dust.

Oh, Bai thought in realisation, staring up at the blonde female in wonder. That's why.

The female was just as gorgeous as the man. They both had an unnatural beauty to them, an almost ethereal quality.

Bai was instantly envious at how shiny and well-kept the other female's blonde hair was. How was that possible? Her own brown locks were already suffering in this primitive world, having no access to hair care products. Her skin was just as pale as Bai's but had none of the random spots or visible body hair. What was her secret? Bai would kill for some lotion or a razor.

She also noticed how bright the blonde female's green eyes were. Was the brightness a part of their species or was it just them? Either way, they were stunning to look at, just like the man's bright blue eyes.

009 now stood beside a smirking 001 at the mansion's doorway, her hands on her hips as she surveyed the situation with a deadpan look.

The brunette human girl was still on the floor outside their mansion looking like she was seconds away from crying her eyes out.

Meanwhile, 001 gave no fucks about the annoying human girl, his gaze focused on 009, giving her heated looks with that usual arrogant smirk on his face.

"Really?" 009 asked flatly, unimpressed as she glanced at Bai's tearful face then back to him. "You didn't have to terrify the girl. A simple 'no' would suffice".

001 shrugged, unrepentant.

Why should he care for some random human girl's feelings?

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