Chapter 5: The Odd Beauty Part 2

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Chapter 5 Summary

After seeing the severe lack of information available, 009 ditches Parker and Bai Qingqing on the first night, sneaking out of the village undetected and out into this strange world. Determined to explore and find a place for herself, 009 heads towards the coast, her love of the sea calling her to it. She loved beaches!

009 by the sea? What could go wrong? =P


* Does NOT include the Mermen in this chapter – Sorry if you were looking forward to them meeting! That would be next chapter.

* 009 is a dumbass when it comes to romance so this kind of explains her reaction to Harvey in this chapter.

* I never really understood why powerful OC's stayed in the village, especially when everyone's going crazy over Bai Qingqing while ignoring them. If I had power, I'd be gone. They can have Bai Qingqing's boring ass. I'd be off on an adventure! =D

* Chapter 13 of Odd Beast World is currently being written. I've been hit by an incredible amount of inspiration! Just need to write it all down and edit. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. 


009 ditched them at the first chance possible.

Remembering Bai Qingqing's tearful face and Parker's pitiful lovesick looks, she felt no remorse when she pretended to go to sleep with them, waited until they were asleep and left Parker's hut in the dead of night without looking back.

So much for information. They have no maps and the closest place to get more info would be the City of Beasts, from what Harvey said. Staying in this village is pointless. I need some more intel on wherever the fuck "here" is. But I need a secure place to stay too. Like Hell I'm staying with Fuck Boy Parker, Needy Puppy Bai Qingqing, Screeching Banshee Eudora and a village full of males that look like pretty boy's in those boy bands 006 likes. It's so creepy how they stared at me and Bai Qingqing. Even starting fights over us! At least Harvey was pretty sane. He's the only with a brain in that village.

009 felt a sliver of regret at leaving the only intellectual person she'd found so far but shook it off. What was she supposed to do? Grab Harvey and run? As if he would just abandon his home for some random woman. He's a healer! That's an incredibly important job which she's sure he worked hard for so there's no way he would leave all that behind for her.

Would he.........?

She shook those thoughts off and focused on her surroundings, constantly on alert, as she slipped out the primitive village undetected. The darkness didn't hinder. She just shapeshifted her eyes into that of an owl's, allowing her to see in the dark.

The leopard beastmen guarding the entrance were forced into sleep by her power, dropping to the ground. With her mind, she controlled their bodies to drop down softly. No need to make avoidable noises. They'll be fine and wake up in an hour or so.

The night air was humid (not that it bothered her) as she entered the forest, power walking deeper into it to get some distance from the village and out of their line of sight for now. As she continued her brisk walk, 009 was fully aware of the predator's watching her, no doubt thinking they'd found an easy meal. From what Harvey had told her, these were only wild beasts and not beastmen. That wasn't hard to tell, considering the size difference.

009 stopped walking and stood on the spot with the trees surrounding her. She felt the muscles of the predator's tense, ready to pounce and devour her.

009 focused her power, grabbing hold of their necks through her mind, tilted her head sharply to the side and –



- Snapped the necks of a pack of wolves, two wild tigers and some kind of boar. Their bodies landed with thuds but the noise didn't attract anymore wild beasts. They're instincts screamed 'danger!' as they got nearer 009 and wisely fled, especially after seeing the corpses around her.

Hmmm.....Best not to leave the bodies behind.

Crouching down next to each of them, one by one, 009 placed her palm over them and watched as the bodies turned into blobs of mush - Biomass. She absorbed it into her body through her hand. That kept her stomach full and she even had extra if needed it later.

Still crouched on the ground, 009 placed her palm down on the ground, closed her eyes and concentrated on her surroundings. Not too far from Camel Hump Valley, she felt an enormous amount of living beings gathered in one area. Judging by the amount of people (beastmen?), this must the City of Beasts. Checking around further with her Biokinesis, she felt no other large amounts of people around so concluded that this was either the city or a really huge village. Harvey did say that it wasn't too far from Camel Hump Valley.....

009 opened her eyes and sat down near a tree, leaning back in thought. The silent and dark forest didn't bother her as she contemplated on what to do, still keeping an eye on her surroundings.

Hmmmm....What to do? The City of Beasts probably has more info but am I willing to risk it? I've seen what the beastmen are like in a village, so wouldn't it be worse in the city? Harvey said that there are more males than females around here, which is so bizarre but believable after seeing the thirsty guys back at the village. I can't walk into the city and not expect to get bombarded. God, that sounds vain of me but after seeing Eudora, I get it. People are obsessed with beauty here and that's why Bai Qingqing and myself are considered more attractive. How sad. The women here just need to clean themselves up a bit, do some exercise, have a healthy diet and they'd be fine. They're spoilt attitudes were another thing. Oh, well. Not my problem.

009 sighed as she stared up, the trees covering most of the view of the night sky. She put her hand on the ground, palm down and she sensed something that made her smile.

The sea!

I know I should get some info but I need a place to stay too. And right now, this beach not too far from here, feels like a great spot to set up a temporary home. I love beaches! I love the sea! It's so calming and so fun to explore when I change into my "mermaid" mode, as 006 calls it. Sounds just like what I need right now – A calming place to rest. I could make better plans after securing my own little haven.

With the sea calling her, 009 made up her mind.

She's getting a beach house! 

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