Chapter 9: The Odd Family Part 2

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Chapter 9 Summary

Arthur, Catrin and Carys have made it to the village. The villagers are given a huge shock. 


* Sorry for the shortness! But I just wanted to get this written down since I had time.

* Thank you to those who enjoy my short stories! Please feel free to leave comments on why you like them – the more detail, the better! <3 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I do not own any of the images. 


"Look! It's that new female! What a beauty!"

"Look! She brought her female cub out with her!"

"That male is so lucky! He's her only mate and has a female cub!"

"That's to be expected, right? I mean – it's him. He's way above us."

"Grrr! That lucky bastard!"

"Hey! Stop that! Don't talk like that! He'll hear you! And you'll scare the little female!"


Indeed, little Carys was spooked at the sudden growling from one of the leopard beastmen and had immediately ran into her mother's arms.

Catrin glared at the regretful-looking idiot for scaring her baby and stroked her back soothingly. Little Carys turned her head towards her mother, calming down a little.

"Mummy? Do we have to stay here? I don't like it." She whispered with a pout; her tiny arms tight around her mother.

At her words, the group of beastmen deflated and sent death glares towards the idiot who growled.

"Just for a little while, sweetie." Catrin replied as she ran a hand through her baby's her. "Don't worry. Mummy's here. I won't let anything happen to you." She gripped her daughter tightly for a moment, her mind going back to their first failure as parents. That bloody Lab!

No! Not again. Never again!

Ignoring the crowd of eager beastmen a short distance away, Catrin sighed and walked back into the large hut they were given by the overly enthusiastic village leader.

That was certainly a unique meeting.

When they had arrived at Camel Hump Valley, they'd caused quite a commotion. Apparently, being a relatively good-looking female with one mate and a female child was a huge thing around here. Huh. Who knew?

Catrin's worries about hostility were soothed by how simplistic and friendly the villagers were. Everything looked like something out the Flintstones.

The village leader, Cecil (an elder leopard beastman), had welcomed them with open arms once he caught sight of her and Carys. Her husband, on the other hand, had been met with hostile and wary looks, but granted permission to enter since he was her mate and Carys's father.

Catrin had been ready to bolt at seeing their behaviour towards Arthur but Cecil had eventually explained during a meeting in his hut.

It was because Arthur smelled like a Feral.

A reptilian Feral.

He smelled like a snake......but also not at the same time.

That was why the villagers were wary of him.

Cecil was baffled when he had to explain to them which beastmen were considered Ferals. He'd listed snakes, scorpions and any beastmen that had become rootless. Beastmen became rootless when their mates cut off their mating marks, thus leading a beastman to losing their minds.

The old leopard quickly caught on to why they were asking since they should have known if Arthur was actually a snake beastman.

And that's when Cecil and the villager's nearly lost their shit after Arthur went outside the hut to transform for the second time in this odd world. 

This is the reason why they'd been given this huge hut, why their attitudes suddenly changed towards Arthur, why they'd been given so many gifts and why they were treated so reverently from that point on.

Who would've thought that dragon beastmen were the stuff of old legends and royalty so many years ago?

No one had seen a dragon beastman for millennia's......until today.

Until her husband stripped naked and changed into his white dragon form. 


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