Chapter 14: I got Isekai'd into Odd Beast World Part 1

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Chapter 14 Summary

Chloe is an 18 year old girl from the US who loves reading fanfiction.

While binge reading some Beauty and the Beasts fanfiction one night, she fell asleep after finishing Odd Beast World.

She did NOT expect to get isekai'd into a fanfiction story of all places!

Chloe and 009 appeared at the same time and place in the beginning of the story.

How does one react to getting thrown into this primitive world? How does a modern girl deal with the dangers? It's definitely not as easy as those fanfictions had shown!

How does one react to being face to face with Lab experiment number 009?

How would you react?


* This chapter was created for curiosity's sake.

* I was just curious on how a realistic modern girl would react to the Beast World. It can't be as easy like the all the fanfics had shown.

* Also wanted to know how a realistic modern person would react to 009. I wanted to see 009 through someone else's eyes.

* The chapter title is a parody of the usual titles of Isekai stories Lol

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts.


Chloe stared.

009 stared back.



For a moment, both women just stood there, staring at each other. One had blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes. The other had brown hair, tan skin and blue eyes.

As they stood there in the small clearing inside the forest, Chloe eventually found her voice despite the shock she was feeling.

"You're 009." Chloe gasped, wide-eyed and in utter disbelief.

The blonde woman tilted her head to the side, her face expressionless as she observed Chloe.

"I am." 009 replied simply.

"B-But y-you can't be r-real...." Chloe stuttered. She could feel her hands start to shake.

009 said nothing. Her bright green eyes briefly glanced down at Chloe's shaking hands before focusing back on her face.

Chloe wanted to throw up. Her hands gripped her head, looking around wildly at the forest around them.

"No, no, no no!" Chloe muttered frantically. "This isn't real! You can't be 009! If you are then...." She tailed off, fear on her face.

009 remained blank-faced. "Then?"

Chloe's eyes met 009's intimidating gaze for a moment before looking away quickly. She licked her lips nervously and considered saying nothing but thought better of it.

If we're where I think we're at, then I'm gonna need 009's help - A lot. Better build up trust with her now than have it blow up in my face later. I'm gonna sound super crazy but here's hoping she doesn't kill me on the spot.

Chloe gulped and watched as 009 waited for her answer, no irritation or impatience on her face. Damn. She really does have a great poker face.

"It means we're in another world." Chloe answered shakily, her nerves getting to her. "A world that we've both read about. Do you remember that webcomic called 'Beauty and the Beasts'?"

This time there was a reaction. A small one, but still a reaction.

009's eyes widened a little, a brief flash of worry in her eyes.

Chloe would've laughed if she wasn't worried herself. She knew exactly what was going through 009's mind since she's read Odd Beast World. The former Lab experiment was most likely thinking of the desperate guys in this world and how to avoid them. And how to get the fuck away from everyone. Typical 009 - the hermit.

Any mirth Chloe felt disappeared when those green eyes suddenly narrowed at her. Her legs started shaking.

"That doesn't explain how you know me." 009 stated calmly even though she was almost glaring at Chloe.

And that's when Chloe's legs failed her and she dropped to the ground unceremoniously.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! How the Hell does she explain this? Oh, yeah. By the way, 009. Did you know you're a fictional character too? Please don't kill me.


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