Chapter 11: Adventures of the Odd Prince

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Chapter 11 Summary

Daemon wakes up one day to find himself in a forest next to a pale girl with brown hair. 

Oh, shit. 


* So I'm starting off some short stories with Daemon (Little Snake now as 009 & Curtis's son) as the main character. I might do more stories with the rest of 009's kids later. 

* Daemon wakes up back in time when 009 and Bai Qingqing first dropped into the Beast World. He has the bad luck of appearing next to Bai instead of his mother. The poor boy. 

* Daemon convinces Harvey that he's from future by having a long chat with him about certain things that only Harvey would ever know. That & Harvey is already besotted with 009 with the way Daemon talks about their future together. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I do not own any of the images. 

--------------- D A E M O N ---------------

"My Prince - "

"I'm not your prince."

"But -"

"And please stop following me." 

Daemon ignored the brown-haired girl who trailed behind him, his green eyes focused on Papa Harvey's hut as he power-walked up to it. 

Indigent growls and glares were aimed at him for ignoring the brown-haired female, but all the beastmen became deathly silent when Daemon's burning green gaze bore into them. None dared to confront him - Especially after he nearly killed Parker. The leopard prince was still unconscious after his brutal beating yesterday. 

That had been a shock for the villagers. 

The green-eyed Feral (they weren't quite sure on that since he didn't act a like Feral but only smelled like one) had walked into Camel Hump Valley with an injured brown-haired female in his arms. 

Naturally, they all blamed her injury on him and tried to fight/chase him off. 

After all, he had visible no stripes. What could the Feral do against a village of beastmen? 

They were so wrong. 

The green-eyed Feral had beaten them within seconds. He moved so fast. He didn't even shift forms and defeated them single-handedly with his bare hands. Somehow, he knew how to hit them with just the right amount of force, aiming at all the vulnerable areas and not wasting anytime with taunts or exaggerated movements. 

To the village beastmen, it was an incredibly painful and embarrassing moment. Their pride was damaged along with their bodies. Though some of the younger males couldn't help but secretly admire the Feral for his strength and finesse. They wanna be like that someday!

The village females who had watched on as their males were soundly beaten, were immediately smitten with the Feral. Normally, no female would ever consider taking a Feral as a mate, but this one was so different. 

He was so strong and the way he fought was truly beautiful to watch. He looked like he was dancing as he beat the males easily. 

The villager's all agreed while he had the scent of a snake Feral, he didn't act like Feral at all. Even his clothes were another sign he wasn't a typical Feral. They looked so finely made with intricate designs on them. With the expensive-looking clothes and handsome face, he looked like royalty. 

This was only confirmed as he conversed with the village healer, Harvey, who treated the almost forgotten brown-haired female's injury. They'd heard him introduce himself as Prince Daemon of New Valyria - a faraway kingdom where his Queen Mother ruled alongside her kingly mates. 

The brown-haired female, now known as Bai Qingqing, had looked at Prince Daemon with complete awestruck eyes the entire time. Not that he noticed - he was always at Harvey's side, conversing in low hushed tones and sharing strangely fond glances. 

They behaved eerily similar to how a father would treat their son. 

But Prince Daemon wasn't Harvey's cub.

Was he? 

--------------- D A E M O N ---------------

"This damned female is doing my head in, Papa! Make it stop!"

Daemon clutched his head as he sat in the healer's hut, ranting his troubles to his Papa Harvey who was mashing some medicine together. 

Harvey sighed, eyeing his tired cub. "I'd say to keep your distance, but it looks like she's determined to be with you, my boy." He smiled teasingly at him. "Maybe you should take pity on her and be her mate." He pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. 

"Mate?! Hell no!" Daemon looked horrified. "Why would I be her mate? I thought you were on my side, Papa!" He whined, acting like a young snakeling again. 

"I was only joking, son." Harvey smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about her too much. We'll be leaving soon anyway. To find your mother." He blushed, still in partial disbelief about Daemon's mother. 

His future mate. 

I can't believe I have a mate! And cubs! So many cubs in the future! Daemon even mentioned that his mother (my mate!) was pregnant again with my cubs!. 

His little snake boy had told him of where he estimated the past-version of his mother was right now. Harvey had worried that she wouldn't believe their unbelievable story, but Daemon had reassured him that his mother would definitely listen and even partially recognise him. 

After all - His mother would recognise her own blood running through his veins. 

And the powers, of course. 

That hadn't shocked Harvey as much as the time-travelling-son did. 

Harvey couldn't wait to meet his precious mate! 

Daemon just wanted to get away from creepy Bai Qingqing who keeps staring at him funny and breathing down his neck. 

I just wanted to drop her off with that idiot Parker but now she keeps following me like the females back home!  Mama! Please save me! Your son is getting stalked by a creep!

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