Chapter 31: A Telepath in the Beast World

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Chapter 31 Summary

This time 008 gets isekai'd into the Beast World instead of her sisters.

Let's see how Earth's strongest Telepath handles the Beast World.


WARNING: Mentions of rape and attempted child rape. Violence and death.

● Finally have a solo Beast World One Shot for 008! My God, she was sooooo hard to write! I feel like this woman fought me all the way when I tried writing this. I swear it's like she has a mind of her own! LOL

● 008 was VERY difficult for me to write since she's not the type of character I'm used to or comfortable writing. Her powers were so different from 009 & 006 that I struggled through writing the parts where she uses them (I think you can tell). 008 is also waaaaaay smarter than me so I had to think back on the all the smart characters I'd seen in cartoons/animes/fiction for help.

● As you can tell - 008 is VERY different personality wise from her sisters. She's ambitious, cunning, has a thirst for power, violent, manipulative, vengeful....but loyal and loving to her family

Homo Superior - What the Lab labelled all the experiments as. They are the evolved form of Homo Sapiens (humans)

● In case you can't tell - 008 hates 001. The poor woman's gonna have an aneurysm when 009 and 001 finally get together LOL

● 008's real name is Senna Khan.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I do not own any of the images.


|| City of London, UK || Night time || Isekai ||

It happened too quickly.

One second, 008 was strutting out of one of the lone alleyways of London after dealing with a rapist. The fool had the misfortune of targeting her instead of a normal human girl and paid the price for his audacity.

The price being his life and sanity.

008 had taken great pleasure in tormenting the rapist's mind by forcing him to relive the pain of his victims mentally. She broke his mind over and over again and only ended his pathetic existence by tricking his mind to believe that his cock had been slowly cut off.......

And then really cutting his cock off with her favourite dagger.

His screams were music to her ears.

How many women/men screamed the same way when he had his way with them? How many screamed for mercy just as he did? Why should I grant him mercy when he never did the same for others?!

There was no mercy for scum like him.

Justice wouldn't do much either. The Government was corrupt. He'd be given a roof over his head, food, water, clothes and even a toilet if taken to prison. It didn't matter that he'd be behind bars. He'd be more comfortable in a cell than any of the homeless people struggling outside. And that's not even mentioning the bail.

No. There was no mercy and justice for him.

Only vengeance.

This pathetic bastard was exactly like the ones that tried hurting her sisters when they used to live on the streets. Unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong targets. They'd ended up being a bloody paste on the floor or burnt to ashes.

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