Chapter 21: The Boy, the Beauty and the Beasts

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Chapter 21 Summary

009 gets dropped into the world of Beauty and the Beasts at the same time and place as the main character.....

....who was a guy, for some reason.


Who the Hell is Bai Qi?! And why does he look like the male version of Bai Qingqing?!

What the Hell is going on?!


* This popped into to my head randomly & had my brain in a death grip until I wrote it down. Please tell me what you guys think of this plot. Has any other author done this too? I'm just wondering.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


He had no idea where he was.

Or how he got here in the first place!

Bai Qi remembered running out to get some groceries his Mom asked him to get. He remembered walking down the street and tripping over air like he usually does and....

....then he somehow wound up in this random forest, getting chased by a pack of hungry wolves!

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Bai Qi muttered, huffing as he ran as fast as he could, not daring to look back at the terrifying wolves behind him.

His lungs were burning, legs aching and his short, brown hair clung to his sweaty forehead.

"This is a bad day to wear a hoodie!" Bai Qi whined, feeling sweat drip down his back as he ran in his favourite black hoodie.

I'm going to die today, he thought in despair as the wolves finally caught up and cornered him against a giant tree.

Gathering his meager courage, Bai Qi tried to appear bigger than them and scare them off.

"Shoo! Get back!" He shouted, his voice cracking slightly as he tried glaring at them and squaring his shoulders. "Back, I say! I'm warning you!"

He immediately cowered back as one of the wolves came closer and almost took a big bite out of him.

Mom! Dad! I'm sorry! He thought as he closed his eyes and accepted his death, cowering against the tree.


Bai Qi's whimpers trailed off as he heard the wolves growls suddenly cut off and loud thuds on the ground.

He timidly peaked one eye open and gasped at the sight of dead wolves on the forest floor, their necks clearly broken.

Bai Qi straightened up, staring at the wolf corpses in a mixture of morbid fascination and absolute bewilderment.


What happened? How did it happen? He was pretty sure he was going to be wolf dinner for a second and then they just.....died? How was this possible? They couldn't have done it themselves and there's nothing else around that killed them.

Is there?

Feeling himself pale, Bai Qi wildly looked around to see what could have killed the wolves and nearly had a heart attack when he spotted someone a couple feet away from him.

His heartbeat quickened, but now for a completely different reason.

The most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen was standing just behind the wolf corpses, staring right back at him.

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