Chapter 13: The Next Great Adventure

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Chapter 13 Summary

Harry couldn't help but find it funny that even in her second life she's still got her mother's green eyes and father's dark hair. Even the same bloody name!

Hadriana "Harry" Potter reborn as Princess Hadriana - daughter of 009 and 001. 


* This is NOT cannon in Odd Beast World - I wrote this because I couldn't sleep.

* Set in a possible future of Odd Beast World where a Female Harry Potter is reborn as 009 and 001's daughter.

* Sorry that it's so short. I was just testing how I'd do a Female Harry Potter.

* Yes - Harry still has her magic.

* 001's original name was already Hadrian way back when I started Odd Beast World

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or Harry Potter. I do not own any of the images. 


She should feel guilty for loving her new parents more than Lily and James. The Potters had literally sacrificed themselves for her.

But still....

There was no regret in Harry as she absolutely adored her new parents.

In this life, she'd been born into a world where people appeared to be natural Animagi. Mostly, the males who turned into beasts.

Harry - Princess Hadriana - is now the daughter of Queen Nina and King Hadrian (Also known as experiment numbers 009 and 001).

Did she mention all the other father's she's got now? Yeah. Apparently, multiple male spouses was the norm in this world. Not that she was judging! Harry would rather die than be anything like her previous aunt and uncle - those absolute judgemental bastards. She still remembered Aunt Petunia's pursed lips whenever she saw something the Dursley's deemed "abnormal".

If anything, Harry felt even more loved with so many dad's who doted on her. It all felt so surreal sometimes. The most parental love or guidance she'd got in her first life was with Molly Weasley or Sirius. A pang of longing hit her at the thought of her godfather. He would have loved it here. She could just imagine him running about as Padfoot. Even Remus would have felt at home here.

But that was then and this was now.

As Hadriana "Harry" Potter, she'd had a rough life. With abusive relatives, a crazy Dark Lord, meddlesome/murderous teachers, that awful Prophecy and the unwanted attention from her fame, Harry was mostly glad to say goodbye to that life. She'd miss her friends and Teddy but it was time to start her next great adventure.

As Princess Hadriana (Kingsbury? Is that her surname now? Her dad doesn't really like going by his original name), she'd been loved since the moment she was born. She had an incredibly wonderful mother. Queen Nina was quiet and reminded her of a mix of Professor McGonagall and Molly Weasley than Lily Potter. Stern but kind. Her new mother had the patience of a saint when handling so many children, her spouses and the kingdom - all at the same time! While having multiple mates was a regular thing here, it didn't really shock her that her mother had so many mates. The woman was so drop dead gorgeous that even Fleur would agree. While Lily Potter had blazing red hair, Nina had smooth long locks that was a mix between silver and gold. But both mother's had one feature in common - their bright green eyes.

Her father, King Hadrian (001), reminded her a mix of Sirius Black, Narcissa Malfoy and Serverus Snape. The only thing that he had common with James Potter was his wild, dark hair. He had the arrogance of a Malfoy but mixed in with Sirius's prankster personality. He wasn't the stereotypical doting dad but Harry never doubted his love for her or her other siblings. Or her mother. The man was absolutely besotted with her mother, no matter how much he teased her and drove her up the walls with his attitude. Hmmm...Maybe has was like James Potter after all. Sirius and Remus had told her how he loved winding Lily up even though she always hexed him for it. But he had a darkness to him that James Potter never had. In that way, he was more like her old Potions Professor. Silent and deadly. His love for her mother reminded Harry of Snape's devotion for Lily.

Harry also couldn't help but find it funny that even in her second life, she's still got her mother's green eyes and father's dark hair. Even the same bloody name! 

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