Chapter 16: I got Isekaie'd into Odd Beast World Part 2

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Chapter 16 Summary

After Chloe confesses on how she knows all about 009, the unlikely duo continue their journey in the Beast World together.

Chloe just wishes that 009 would show a little empathy by now. She knows there's a heart of gold hidden under that cold personality. Perhaps meeting her future husbands would help?

Too bad 009 wants nothing to do with them.

And there's still the issue with 001.



* Please read Part 1 of this storyline if you are confused with this chapter.

* Chloe is an OC from the real world where Odd Beast World is a completed story. So BEWARE OF SPOILERS and possible info which might get scrapped and edited out. None of this is Canon for the main story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


After spilling the beans on how Chloe knew all about 009, they'd come to an uneasy truce and decided to travel together (for now).

Right now, they were in the cave 009 had first found to rest. The one which Curtis would soon find.

"B-But you gotta save him!"

"Why?" 009 asked flatly, expression blank as always. "He's a grown beastman and should have known better than to travel in an area filled with wild wolves stronger than him."

"But it's Harvey! He's like, one of the best guys around here!"

Chloe ran a hand through her messy hair in frustration and anxiety, wincing as it got stuck in a tangle of locks.

"Uh...009?" She stuttered and looked at her pleadingly, gesturing towards her birds nest hair. "C-Could you help me out with this? P-Please?"

I'm just a regular, old human. Help a girl out, 009! Please! Please! Please! Please!

It's only been a couple of hours in the Beast World and Chloe already hated the lack of hygiene and ability to self-care.

But with 009 here.......

009 gave her a deadpan stare but Chloe must have looked worse than she thought since the Biokinetic soon held out her hand towards her.

Trying not to seem too eager, Chloe carefully grasped 009's hand and felt instant relief. She felt her hair untangle itself, returning to its natural waves. All sweat, dirt and piss (yeah, she pissed herself at one point. But who wouldn't?) disappeared and all her aches vanished. No more sore feet or killer migraine.

As 009 quickly took back her hand, Chloe couldn't help but sit there and stare at the British girl in amazement.

It was one thing to read about it, but another to literally experience it. 009 is seriously on another level. She's literally built different.

009 stared back and raised an eyebrow at her continued awe-filled silence.

"Well? Was that enough?"

Her voice shook Chloe out of her thoughts and she blushed, meeting 009's eyed before glancing away, still intimidated by the blonde.

"Uh....yeah! I mean t-thank you!"

While Chloe cursed herself in her mind for sounding like an idiot, 009 tiltled her head to the side, observing her with a hint of fascination in her eyes.

"I could have hurt you," stated 009 bluntly, making Chloe blink at her in confusion, not getting where this came from. "You know what I am and yet you still trusted me to help you. You let me touch you, knowing that I could have killed you just by that one touch."

"Who." Chloe blurted out, correcting her without thinking. "I know who you are, not what. You're a person, not some thing." Averting her eyes, her cheeks heated up as realised what she said but continued nonetheless. "Besides, if you were going to kill me then you would have done it by now anyway."

009 blinked. Her stoic facial expression never changing but her eyes softened slightly at Chloe's admission.

The forced, awkward air between them cleared up a little (for now) as they both sat there on the cave floor in companionable silence.

Then it was broken as Chloe suddenly sat up straight, remembering what they were talking about before.

"You have to save Harvey!"

009 sighed. "Why? Because the plot of the 'original' story demands it?"

"Because he's your family......and he has 006's eyes."

That got 009's attention. Just as Chloe was hoping it would.

"I......see." 009 muttered, staring off at a wall absentmindedly, fingers drumming on the cave floor.

She knew 009 would do anything for family. Her loyalty (along with 008's and 006's) was unquestionable in that aspect.

Even that psycho 001 showed the same loyalty, but only towards 009 and 011.

Oh, shit! 001! I completely forgot about him! And 009 doesn't even know about his creepy (kinda sweet) love for her! Shit! I gotta tell her NOW before he gets here.

"Are you....alright?" 009 asked awkwardly, seeming puzzled. "Your heart rate just sped up randomly." Her eyes scanned Chloe's body and with her powers too, searching for the cause of her sudden distress.

Chloe knew 009 wasn't the best with romance and denser than a rock when it came to love. It was one of the reasons why she hadn't ever picked up on 001's obvious crush on her - And because 008 kept 001 away as much as she could. 006 never said anything, thinking it was hilarious watching 001 pining after an oblivious 009 while 008 acted like the overprotective father.

This was why Chloe wanted to ease her into the knowledge of 001's love. 009 was new to this. It was best if she started off slowly and explained everything carefully. She knew 009 would be doubtful since she never paid 001 much attention. So a logical, gentle approach was needed in this delicate topic.


Instead, what came out was the complete opposite. A jumbled up mess of an explanation that came rushing out of her in one go.

Chloe felt her cheeks burn in shame as 009 stared at her, absolutely bewildered.


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