Chapter 22: Childhood Days - Dads & Differences

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Chapter 22 Summary

We see a little of Daemon's (009 & Curtis's son) childhood and how his odd family differed from others.


* Beastmen are used to prioritising females over males, but that still doesn't make them all bad fathers. They're just tougher with their male cubs. It'll be different in 009's family but the change comes gradually with time.

* In case it wasn't obvious - all of 009's kids take after her instead of their fathers. Some in looks, some in powers, some in personality or all of those traits. Males usually take after their father, like Bai's kids did, but not 009's. Her supernatural genes are too dominant.

* This is set many years later, so character development has happened to certain people that make them seem kinda different.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. The images are created by Ai apps.


Their family was far from normal.

(Besides the obvious supernatural powers)

Daemon could tell that much by how they compared to other families.

For one thing - male cubs were just as treasured as female cubs in their family.

By his Mum, at least. His Dad's tried their best, but old habits died hard.

Beastmen were too used to valuing female cubs over males ones. Daemon's not saying they didn't love him, but that there was a clear difference between his Mum's limitless love and his Dads. He didn't begrudge them for it. By beast world standards, he's got the most affectionate Dad's in the world.

Surprisingly enough, it was Papa 001 that loved them all just as equally as his Mum did.

Daemon remembered asking him about it when he was younger, curiously staring up at the intimidating black haired man with his big green eyes

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Daemon remembered asking him about it when he was younger, curiously staring up at the intimidating black haired man with his big green eyes.

"Why?" Papa 001 repeated with an amused chuckle. He looked down at the small snake with a mix of amusement, nostalgia and love. "Is it not obvious, little Rogue Prince?"

Little Daemon's green eyes sparkled in pleasure at being called that. His Mum had told him that he was named after the legendary Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen. So cool!

Ruffling his blond hair, Papa 001 grinned at the dirty look he got for messing it up. "I love all of you little ones, regardless of a pointless thing such as gender, because you are your Mother's son's." At this, the usually intense and arrogant man looked down at little Daemon with a rare softness in his glowing blue eyes.

Puzzled, little Daemon tilted his head, scrunching his nose at the Papa 001's strange answer. What did that mean?

And like the (in)famous Rogue Prince himself, little Daemon had responded with a smartass reply.

"Are you losing your memory already, old man? Of course I'm Mama's son! What does that have to do with anything? Tch! Just say you don't know if you don't!"

As the little snake grumbled about forgetful old men, Papa 001's eye twitched in irritation, his fond grin turning back to his usual devious one.

"What was that, you cheeky little brat?"

Litte Daemon yelped as Papa 001 pinched his cheeks lightly, his glowing blue eyes narrowed into a stern glare.

As the little snake pleaded for mercy, he'd always noted that the affection in his Papa 001's eyes had never wavered, even when Daemon was at his brattiest.

That affection was only reserved for his Mum, Daemon and all his siblings.

According to Papa 001, the rest of the world could fuck off into oblivion for all he cared. As long as his family was safe and happy, Papa 001 was content.

It didn't matter if Daemon or his siblings weren't his own blood - Papa 001 would tear apart the very fabric of the universe if any harm came to them.

Out of all his Dad's, it was Papa 001 who had loved his Mum the longest. That same unwavering devotion to her had also transferred over to all her children, regardless of who the father was of each child.

If only the Lab could see 001 right now! They'd die from shock at what a devoted lover and father their strongest experiment had become!

But he was still an asshole, though. 001 hadn't changed that much.

Had he?

Either way, he was now 009's asshole.

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