Chapter 15: The Power of Three Part 1

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Chapter 15 Summary

While in the Tiger Village, Bai Qingqing hears rumours about a new place ruled by three Goddess Queens. Rumours of strange and advanced inventions in this new place.

The village Chief is sceptical while Bai Qingqing is hopeful.

They could be humans!


* 009, 008 and 006 arrive in the Beast World a little after Bai Qingqing and away from the main characters and locations such as Camel Hump Valley or City of Beasts. Unlike Bai - they can keep a low profile until they don't need to.

* Bai Qingqing, Curtis, Parker, Alva, Bluepool and Winston have just arrived at Tiger Village after leaving the City of Beasts, Peacock Village and Merfolk territory.

* Bai Qingqing's current mates - Curtis and Parker.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts.


They were humans.

That was all Bai Qingqing could think of when hearing about all the wonders of this new place.

One of the village chief's sons had returned home and had excitedly informed his father (and the entire village) about this new city he'd found on his travels -

A city ruled by three Goddess Queens.

Bai Qingqing dismissed the Goddess title. These primitive beast people must have labelled them that way due to the many inventions they'd created using knowledge from the Human World.

Tobias, a tiger beastman and the Chief's son, waved his arms around with a wide grin on his face and he couldn't contain his excitement as he mentioned what he knew of this wonderous place.

Carriages, wheelbarrows, wells, a material that was similar to crystals called "Glass", an invention that transported you over water called a "Boat", beautiful and comfortable new clothes, new foods such as "Pizza" or "Chocolate", incredibly styled new homes and so much more!

William the village Chief stared back at his beaming son in shock. A city ruled by Queens? Goddesses? Has his son gone mad? And what were all these "inventions"? They sounded too strange for his liking.

What is this "Pizza"? It sounds like a disease.

"Toby," William said, finally finding his voice. "What madness are you speaking of?" His son's face fell but William continued, not wanting to entertain his nonsense. "Queens ruling a city? How absurd! You and I both know that only King's are able rule and their mates given the title Queen this way only. Kings are the strongest males who can protect and lead their people. How would females do this? They are not strong enough to rule a city by themselves!"

"But father!" Toby burst out, unable to hide his indignation and irritation on face. "You haven't seen what I've seen! The Queens are just as strong as any male and I haven't even got to the part about Queen Nina!" He looked pleadingly at his father, begging him to listen with his eyes.

Bai Qingqing watched on with increasing curiosity and excitement as William sighed and let his son continue.

"Who is this Queen Nina and what is so special about this female?" William asked with a tired sigh.

"Queen Nina is the Spring Queen!" Toby exclaimed, a smile back on his face at the mention of her. "Wherever she walks, life grows, father! She can create fruits, medicine and even entire forests with just a touch of her hand! And she can heal any injury or sickness! You should have seen it, father! She's amazing!" He gushed, a flush on his cheeks. "She made a huge forest around the city and it looks like so different! A good different! It's filled with so many fruit trees, edible plants and plants we've never seen before! And then there's Queen Ava - "

"Enough Toby!"

Bai winced internally at William's shout and the way Toby visibly deflated, a downcast frown on his face. She knew how that felt, being Toby's shoes with her own father.

"But father! The - "

"No!" William glared at his son sternly. "No more of this nonsense, cub! No more wasting time dreaming of these so-called "Goddess" females. Our village still needs more protection from scorpion ferals and here you are wasting time with these ridiculous tales!"

Toby opened his mouth to insist he was telling the truth but looked around at the villagers gathered around them, staring at him with judgemental scorn. The females in particular turned away from him, their facial expressions showing complete disinterest.

He shut his mouth and looked back to his father with barely concealed rage and hurt.

"Fine." Toby said through gritted teeth. "I'll be on patrol if you need me." He abruptly turned away, shifted into his tiger form and went off to patrol without any further words.

William sighed and shook his head. That boy.....

Bai Qingqing, who'd been listening to everything Toby had said, turned to Parker and Curtis with an eager gleam in her eyes.

"I want to go to that city."

They're like me! They're human! I know it! I don't know why Toby called them Goddess's but it's probably because of our advanced human ideas. I bet this Queen Nina is just someone really good with gardening. To the people here, she'd definitely seem like a Goddess with her obvious human looks. Like me.

As Curtis and Parker exchanged looks and debated on how to get there, Bai Qingqing wondered when these other human girls got here.

How did they get here? Was it like me? And when? Why am I just now hearing about them? Maybe they have some really possessive mates who didn't let anyone else near them?

As Bai thought this over, Winston and the other two males, Bluepool and Alva, hovered nearby. They had heard her wish to go to the strange city that tiger beastman was raving about and wanted to go with her.

Bluepool and Alva wanted to be Bai's mates since she was the most beautiful female in the world.

Winston, unlike the two vain males, wanted to protect Bai as her guardian. He knew she was too good to be his mate. He was too ugly. But she was still so kind to him unlike other females. He wished to repay her kindness with his protection. Her mates were powerful but she only had two of them for now. His added protection would help greatly. Plus he'd get to be near her most of the time.

Curtis hissed at Parker, ordering him to find that tiger beastman, Toby, for more information on this strange city his Bai wished to go to.

Parker grumbled but complied, running off to find Toby.

This place better be as good as that tiger had said it was - or he's getting a beating for misleading his precious mate.

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