Chapter 4 : The Odd Beauty Part 1

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Chapter 4 Summary

009 gets transported to the Beast World at the same time and place as Bai Qingqing. With one major difference - she's never read the Beauty & the Beasts comic or know of its existence. Let's see how that changed things.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


"I said I'm fine. The wolves were dead when we got there, anyway." 009 sighed for the millionth time that day. Her gaze turned the silent Chinese girl at her side, who was persistently sticking close to her. "Why don't you worry about her, instead?"

Parker shook his head, his golden eyes never leaving 009's face, barely giving the other female a glance. "She's fine. Harvey said she's just in shock." His gaze was soft as he continued to drink in her beautifully perfect features. "It's you I'm worried about."

009 looked away, ignoring him. She'd been honestly blunt with him once he'd started boasting about how she was his mate now since he "found" her (and Bai Qingqing) in that strange forest after she killed all those wolves, and rejected him.

She didn't care that it was considered tradition for single males to mate with any female they found. Like Hell she was tying herself down with some complete stranger. Especially in this odd beast world.

009 sat with her arms crossed, waiting for Harvey to get back, ignoring Bai Qingqing and Parker, both who wanted her attention for different reasons.

Bai Qingqing was like a leach. She didn't want to separate from 009 since they're both from the human world and because she'd seen what 009 could do. It was unavoidable since they "arrived" in that forest at the same time and place. The wolves that came out of nowhere were killed by 009 easily (via biokinetic neck snapping). Bai's ankle was also instantly healed up by 009, much to her amazement. 009 had only done it so they could move on quickly and that's when Parker found them, bringing them back to his village while getting some more info on this strange world.

Parker was like a besotted fuck-boy once he met 009, much to her irritation and dismay. He was amazed at finding two beautiful unmated females in the forest. But his heart was set on the blonde beauty with eyes that put emeralds to shame. He barely remembered offering the brown-haired female a ride back to the village too. He has too distracted by the blonde female. The more he stared at her, the more beautiful she looked by the second.

For a while, it was awkward in the small hut as they waited for Harvey's return. 009 sat staring at a wall stoically, with her usual blank expression on her face. Parker sat at her right, with a small space in between them, a lovestruck look on his face. Bai Qingqing was silent, too scared to speak up in the presence of these weird beastmen but sat on 009's left, sitting as close as she could to her without touching.

Both Bai and Parker now knew better than to touch 009 without her consent. She hated being touched - especially by random strangers.

Finally, Harvey returned, quickly entering his hut. His gaze first went to 009, heart skipping a beat as their eyes met for a moment. Those bright green eyes alone would have males swarming her instantly.

"Hello, females." Harvey greeted them warmly, his eyes lingering on 009 making Parker growl. "Sorry for the wait. Now, what was it you needed?"

"Um. My name is Bai Qingqing, not female." The brown-haired female spoke up. She was getting tired of hearing 'female' this and 'female' that around here.

Harvey smiled welcomingly at the timid, pretty female. She looked terrified and stuck close to the emerald-eyed beauty.

All eyes turned towards 009, the only one who hadn't introduced herself yet.

"I am Nina." 009 said flatly. She knew better than to say her number name. Besides, she'd been using this fake name for a while now so she was used to it.

"Nina!" Parker repeated with a lovestruck smile, tail wagging. "A beautiful name for a beautiful female!"

Nina, Harvey thought with a happy sigh. It suites her.

She even has a supermodel name! Thought Bai Qingqing as stared at Nina with star struck eyes. The name sounded European. So foreign compared to her own. Of course, she already knew that Nina was a foreigner by her appearance alone. Her stunning bright green eyes were wide like a doe's, her naturally pale skin and curvaceous but somehow slender figure. Foreigners are so lucky! Nina looks so effortlessly pretty! It was true. She wasn't exaggerating! They'd both come out of the forest together, but only Bai was covered in dirt, sweat and random leaves. Nina was somehow completely spotless, not a speck of dirt on her or hair out of place. When they rode on Parker's beast form, Bai could only smell a pleasant flowery scent from Nina's body.

A light bulb went off in Bai's mind. Could it be....? Her eyes widened as she figured out that Nina's miraculous powers were probably the cause of her unruffled appearance. Amazing! She stared at Nina, hero worship in her eyes.

009 ignored their stares and got straight to business.

"Where can I get more information about the land here? Or a map?"

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