Chapter 6: Second Chance - Anan

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Chapter 6 Summary

She doesn't want to remember her past life.

It was full of pain and sadness. So much pain....

This second life was better. Her father loves her and actually stayed around. She has other father's too, who cherish her.

But the best part? Her mother.

She liked this one way better than the last one. 


* After an informative conversation with some of my readers who told me about what happened to Anan (Bai Qingqing & Winston's daughter) - I decided to have her in my story as 009 and Winston's daughter instead. This poor baby deserves a happy life!

* This is set in a possible future of Odd Beast World but Anan is officially confirmed to be reborn into this world (which will happen later).

* Anan won't have the same name

* 009 is a huge Game of Thrones fan - just a heads up as you read this chapter

* I gave Anan this particular new name since, in some way, she broke the chains she had on herself.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels.


Every now and again, she'd get glimpses of her past life in her mind.

She didn't like remembering it. Most of the memories were full of pain and sadness. So much pain....

The Beast God was truly merciful to grant her a second chance at life. She didn't live too long in the old one but remembered the aching loneliness.

This second life? So much better!

Her father loves her and actually stayed around this time. There was no dead-eyed stare or constant melancholy he'd had in her past life. He's so happy now!

She even had more father's now! And they all adore her! How lucky she was to have so many loving fathers. This second life just keeps getting better and better.

But the best part?

Her mother.

There......were no words that could describe the love and admiration she felt for her mother in this wonderful second life. She was nothing like her old one (thankfully).

Remembering her first mother brought out a complex mess of feelings inside her. Resentment, anger, sadness, disbelief, confusion etc. Mostly the resentment and burning anger. While she was grateful to her for giving her really wasn't much of a life. With time, she came to some understanding about her.

Bai Qingqing, her previous mother, was no villainess. She was a girl who never really grew mentally as she did physically. She caused too many problems and didn't look for solutions. Her naïve nature attracted the good and the bad. And she was never ready to be a mother.

Dany - previously known as Anan - understood this but couldn't completely erase the hurt and anger inside her. This woman caused her so much pain in her first life. She left her all alone! Blind, sick and helpless. And the less said about a certain merman, the better.

She still shudders whenever they go to the beach.

Unlike with Bai Qingqing, Dany only had feelings of love, admiration, loyalty, comfort, safety, trust and confidence when she thinks of her new mother.

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