Chapter 19: The Power of Three Part 2

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Chapter 19 Summary

The three Queens receive news of Bai Qingqing heading their way. No doubt thinking they were humans like her and would let her stay in their city.

As if!

Bai Qingqing causes problems wherever she goes and Senna (008) would rather eat shit than let her in. She did NOT want that little troublemaker and her merry band of idiots inside their city.


* 009, 008 and 006 go by their names in this storyline. 009 is Nina, 008 is Senna and 006 is Ava.

* Powers: 009 has Biokinesis, 008 has Telepathy and 006 had Pyrokinesis.

* 009 and 006 have different mates in this storyline but not all are present in this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beasts or any of the Beast World webcomics/novels. I do not own any of the images. Images created by Ai.


Our Queens look radiant as always.

What should I eat tonight? Getting tired of the same meat.

I wonder if our Queens will take anymore mates? I hope they choose me! Please be me!

Stupid Ferals! Can't believe they got to be mates to the Queens! Lucky bastards!

The weather is so nice here! I hope it stays like this. So glad I moved to this city!

Damn! I need to take a piss!

Senna (Lab experiment number 008) tuned out the thoughts of those around her, keeping them in the back of her mind as always, and took in the view of their newly formed city from her throne.

She smirked in satisfaction, ignoring the swooning males around her, admiring her form. A proud gleam in her bright golden eyes as she gracefully crossed her legs while sitting on her ornate throne alongside her sisters.

Her throne was in the center, with one sister on each side on their own thrones.

"Good thoughts, Sen?" Asked Ava (Lab experiment number 006) while happily being fed some grapes by her cheetah mate, Barry.

Barry, Ava's beloved cheetah mate, had golden-blonde hair with black streaks, dark eyes and tan skin. He looked like he was on cloud nine as his beautiful, red-haired queen smiled up at him in thanks.

"I'd assume so or else she wouldn't look so smug right now." Answered Nina dryly (Lab experiment number 009). She looked stoic as always but her cheeks flushed pink as her blue snake mate, Theodore, continued styling her hair into a long braid with a love-sick smile, not minding the flowers that popped up as he did.

Each of the Queens sat in their uniquely, decorated thrones. Senna in the center, Ava on the left and Nina on the right. All three Queens wore gorgeous Greek Goddess style dresses.

Senna wore a white Greek Goddess style dress with golden patterns. It reached just above her ankles and had a slit on the side, showing off her flawless tan legs. Her black, wavy hair was long, reaching past her waist. A crown of beautiful golden flowers were on top of her head - uniquely created by Nina just for her. It matched her golden eyes perfectly. She looked stunning, the white dress contrasting wonderfully with her smooth, brown skin and dark hair.

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