New York, New Nanny

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

"So then my dad, who's in the Marine corps, practically blew his flat top when I told him I was moving to New York," Jessie chatted to the taxi cab driver. "But he chilled when I told him I had a great job. Do you know where I could find a great job?"

The driver, clearly annoyed, closed the glass window right in her face.

"Alright, someone needs some alone time."

Right after she said this, the driver made a sharp turn. Jessie sat up and checked her purse, only to find her wallet was missing.

"Wait, my wallet's gone! Someone must've stolen it." She lightly chuckled before saying "I don't suppose I could pay you in lip gloss and breath mints?"

The cab then suddenly stopped, causing Jessie to fall against the glass window.

"They're wintergreen."

The driver opened the door and threw Jessie out of the cab and onto the ground.

"That was rude!" she yelled.

The next thing she knew, her luggage was thrown out next to her.

"Haha, you missed me!"

That was when she was hit in the head with her coffee cup. The cab sped off.

A guy in a doorman uniform, who saw the whole thing, ran over and helped her up.

"Whoa, you must be a really bad tipper," he said. "I'm Tony."

"I'm Jessie," she replied.

"And I'm guessing this is yours." A little girl came over and handed Jessie a bra that had fallen out of her suitcase.

"Oh, thank you sweetie. That's just my...slingshot."

The girl giggled and turned to Tony. "She doesn't know it's a bra."

Suddenly, a woman ran out of the building with her suitcase, screaming.

"Bye, nanny! Whatever your name was. Hey, Jessie. You wanna be my new nanny?"

Jessie chuckled as she picked up her belongings. "Oh, thank you sweetie. But I didn't come all the way from Fort Hood in Texas to be a babysitter. I came to New York to follow my dreams because this is where dreams come true."

"Yeah, right." The kid rolled her eyes. "Until then, I like my grilled cheese cut in triangles and my tutus starched."

She pulled Jessie by the arm and into the building.

Natasha's pov:

I was in my living room reading "Dracula" until I heard the elevator doorbell ring. I saw my younger sister Zuri enter the penthouse with a girl who I've never met before.

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