The Talented Mr. Kipling

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

"Jessie, I have a huge problem. I love my photography class," Emma said as she and Natasha entered Ravi's room and showed Jessie a pamphlet.

"Okay? I know I'm new to this nanny thing, but I'm not seeing the problem," Jessie responded. Emma handed her the pamphlet.

"The problem is that I got the world's laziest partner for this assignment." Immediately after Emma said this, Luke appeared in the doorway with a camera.

"You call it lazy, I call it selective participation. Now, Jessie. Give me....pouty nanny." He snapped a picture of Jessie, who was making a disgruntled face because of his request.

"Ok, that was more like "constipated nanny", but I can touch it up," he said as he looked at the picture. "I can't believe I can get school credit for taking pictures of cute girls."

"The assignment is to take pictures of New York's flora and fauna," Emma replied.

"Ooh, I hope those are hot Latin twins."

"Do you have an off switch?" Jessie asked.

"Yup. You wanna try and find it?"

"Nope!" Jessie immediately dodged Luke as he walked towards her.

"You really shouldn't have asked him that," Natasha told her.

"Okay, look. We are going to the park. That way, you guys can work on your assignment and Ravi can take Mr. Kipling for a walk. Or a slither, whatever he does."

Jessie walked towards the hallway, but the kids immediately followed her.

"No, no, no, no, no, no. We cannot take Mr. Kipling for a walk," Ravi protested.

"If Mrs. Chesterfield sees him, she'll throw a hissy fit," Emma added.

"Yeah, she's the head of the condo board," Luke said.

"And a real pain in the ashram," Ravi said.

"Oh, is she that annoying lady downstairs who's always carrying that homely baby?" Jessie asked.

"It's a dog," Luke replied.

"You're telling me. Someone whomped that child with the ugly stick," Jessie said before laughing.

"He means it's a Chihuahua," Natasha corrected her.

"It's Chi-hideous," Jessie remarked. "Look, Ravi. I'm not gonna let some old grouch keep you from walking your pet. We'll just ask Tony to make sure the coast is clear."

"I'm on it!" Tony announced over the intercom, surprising everyone.

Jessie walked over to the speaker in the middle of the hallway.

"Tony! Are you eavesdropping again?" she asked.

"Now that I've looked up the word....yes," he replied.

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