World Wide Web of Lies

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

Zuri was playing at Central Park when there was a kid sitting at the top of the slide, reading a book.

"Hey, kid," Zuri said as she stood behind him.

"My name is Axel," the kid responded.

"Okay. Hey, Axel. Fyi, all the fun happens on the trip down."

"I don't go down my slide until Nanny Agatha sanitizes it."

"Your slide? You can't own the slide. Slides belong to the people!"

"Go away or I'll call my nanny."

"Oh, you wanna play the nanny card? Jessie!"

Jessie and Natasha immediately sprung up from the park bench and ran to the playset.

"Okay, what's the damage, on a scale of hugs to hospital?" Jessie asked.

"This kid Axel is hogging the slide," Zuri told them.

"Oh, well I'm sure he'll move if we just ask him nicely," Jessie said. "Hi, sweetie, can you please-?"

Before Jessie could finish, Axel interrupted her by saying, "Shut your pie-hole."

Zuri and Jessie gasped in shock while Natasha glared at the little boy.

"Okay, let's go find his nanny," Jessie said.

"Yeah. Clearly, we need a brat whisperer," Natasha added.

They walked over to a group of people crowded near the playground. They approached a woman who was sitting on the park bench.

"Hi, we're looking for Axel's nanny," Jessie said.

"Yes?" the woman said as she turned towards the three. She had a unibrow, snaggled teeth, and moles.

"Ugh!" they said in unison as they cringed.

"Yikes," Natasha said.

"I am Axel's nanny, Agatha. And who might you be?" Agatha asked.

"Uh, I'm Zuri and Natasha's nanny, Jessie," Jessie said.

"I'm also a little creeped out by her human footrest," Natasha whispered. Agatha had her feet on the back of another nanny.

"I want to go on the slide!" Zuri said.

"But it seems your kid thinks it's a library. So if you wouldn't mind just asking him to share?" Jessie asked.

Everyone gasped as Agatha stood up.

"Clearly, you've not been here at this time of day, so you're forgiven for not knowing the rules. From 1:00 to 5:00, this is my park. And in my park, Axel doesn't share," Agatha said.

"I'm pretty sure you don't own Central Park," Jessie replied.

"For her sake, I hope she doesn't own a mirror," Zuri said.

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