Creepy Connie's Curtain Call

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

The Rosses were at Central Park when Jessie walked up to them excitedly.

"Guys, guess what? The play I wrote is going to be produced!" she told Luke and Natasha.

"Oh, that's awesome. On Broadway?" Luke asked.

"No, in your school auditorium!" Jessie added. Their smiles faded when they heard this. "Which is just four subway stops away from Broadway!"

"And one stop away from the dark, rat-infested alleyway," Natasha commented.

"Gee. Thanks, Nat," Jessie said with a blank tone. "Anywho, Principal Johnson called it 'well-formatted' and 'amazingly affordable'."

"Try not to let that go to your head," Emma told Jessie.

Luke walked away and stood by a chess table to text. Zuri and Ravi were nearby, climbing on the rock wall.

"Jessie, look, I'm on Mount Everest!" Zuri called.

"And I am a fearless Sherpa guide," Ravi added.

"'Fearless'? You cried all the way up."

Ravi tried to climb higher, but accidentally knocked down a large rock.

"Look out!" Ravi yelled.

"Luke, behind you!" Natasha called.

Suddenly, a random girl ran out of nowhere.

"Luke! Watch out!" she yelled before she pushed Luke to the ground before he could get smashed by the rock.

"Wow, that was close. Thanks," Luke said as he turned around, only to find that the girl who had saved his life was Creepy Connie, his obsessive stalker.

"Hiya, freckles!" she said with an unsettling smile.

"Aah, Creepy Connie! I'd rather be smushed by the boulder!" Luke cried. Jessie ran over to help Luke up.

"Connie, thank you so much for saving Luke," Jessie said nervously. "Now please don't hurt him. Or me."

Connie scoffed as she smiled.

"Come on! Who hasn't broken into a boy's apartment, kidnapped his favorite stuffed koala, and then accidentally decapitated him?" the preteen asked. "Am I right, ladies?"

"Aren't you supposed to have a court-ordered companion?" Jessie asked.

"And an ankle monitor?" Natasha added.

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