Christmas Story

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

A few days before Christmas, Jessie and the Ross kids were preparing decorations.

"Okay, larger ornaments go on the bottom, smaller on the top. And gold and silver tinsel must never cross!" Emma stated, making everyone take a step back.

"Emma's a little OCD: Obsessed with Christmas Details," Luke informed Jessie.

"I just want everything to be perfect for when Mom and Dad come home," Emma said.

"Back on the army base, we used to just spray-paint a missile red and green, hang a few grenades on it and hoo-ah! Merry Christmas," Jessie said with a smile.

"Jessie, help!" Luke called while standing in the kitchen doorway. Jessie ran over to him to see what the problem was.

"Ha! You're under the mistletoe," Luke teased before he made a kissing face.

"Ha! You're underage!" Jessie said before she stuck a bow on his mouth.

"Oh, goodie. Now I can reach!" Zuri said before Emma lifted her onto Bertram's back, as he was crouching by the Christmas tree.

"Ow! I'm a butler, not a stepstool!" he protested.

"Zuri, that doesn't go there," Emma said.

"Okay." Zuri took a few steps until she got onto Bertram's neck, much to his dismay.

"How about if I put it here?" she asked.

"I know where you can both put it," Bertram said smiling.

"Bertram, don't make me wash your mouth out with tinsel!" Jessie warned.

"I think it needs to be higher," Natasha advised as Emma nodded.


Zuri began jumping, causing Bertram to scream in pain. The sound of his joints cracking could be heard.

"That crackling sound you hear isn't the fire, it's my spine!"

Despite Bertram's statement, Zuri continued jumping, causing him to sob.


Later in the day, Jessie and the Ross kids had just came home from ice skating.

"That wasn't ice skating! That was ultimate fighting in a meat locker!" Jessie said in horror.

"It was awesome. You spent more time skating on your face than on your feet," Luke said in amusement.

"New Yorkers are so rude. I can't believe that little girl ran over me!" Jessie turned around to reveal 3 slashes on her coat.

"Hello! You fell right in front of me!" Zuri remarked.

"You probably should've stayed in the beginners' lane," Emma informed Jessie.

"There were lanes?!" Jessie looked confused.

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