Beauty and the Beasts

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

Jessie and Zuri were talking to Emma and Natasha about their interaction with Agatha earlier that day.

"So when Agatha said Zuri could never win a beauty pageant, suddenly all I could see was yellow!" Jessie said.

"Don't you mean red?" Emma asked.

"No, yellow. I was looking at her teeth."

"I can't believe that Gollum in a blazer insulted our sister," Natasha said.

"Nat, it's not nice to insult people," Jessie said as she stood up. "Now, let's work on Zuri's interview so we can beat the ugly out of that she-troll!"

Jessie handed Emma flashcards and a toy microphone.

"Miss Ross, who is your hero?" Emma asked.

"Chubby the Bear," Zuri said before she did her signature pose.

"Okay, let's change that to George Washington," Jessie whispered.

Emma changed to the next flash card.

"If you had one wish, what would it be?"

"To marry Chubby the Bear," Zuri said as she did her signature pose again.

"Let's change that to world peace. Almost no one's against that," Jessie said.

"If you could have lunch with one historical figure, who would it be?" Emma asked.

"And please don't say Chubby the Bear," Natasha said.

"Oh don't be silly. It would be Chubby the Bear's grandfather. Old Man Chubs."

Jessie walked over to Emma and Natasha.

"This is gonna be a bigger disappointment than my Christmas bonus," Jessie said. The girls nodded.


Later on, Jessie and the girls went to Central Park, where the Little Miss Big Apple beauty pageant was being held.

"Okay, Zuri. We're here to practice your pageant walk," Jessie said as they walked onto the stage. "Now, remember, you'll have a poufy dress, so use cupcake hands."

Jessie demonstrated the walk before she let Zuri have a try, which was stiff.

"Last time I saw somebody walk like that was when Ravi got hit in the head with a baseball," Emma said.

"I'm trying to strut my stuff," Zuri told her before she turned to Jessie. "Not that I got much stuff to strut."

Agatha walked over with Lindsey, who was also competing in the beauty pageant.

"Ha! That's my so-called 'competition'? She looks better with a bucket on her head!" she said before she and Agatha started laughing.

"Every time you laugh, I expect to look up and see flying monkeys and, 'Surrender, Dorothy,'" Jessie said.

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