Evil Times Two

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

"Who wants fresh raspberries?" Jessie asked as she gave the kids raspberries as they sat on a bench at Central Park.

"Earlier, I saw Emma balancing one of these on the tip of her nose," Ravi said as he took one.

"That wasn't a raspberry. She has a zit the size of a chihuahua," Luke said as he and Zuri laughed

"Not a raspberry? Then my enthusiastic applause must have confused her."

"No one notice me, no one notice me," Emma said as she tried to walk while hiding her face with a large hat. She then fell onto a chess table where an elderly man was playing chess.

"That didn't help."

Jessie ran over and helped Emma up.

"It's just a little zit. How bad can it be?" she asked before Emma revealed her zit, causing Jessie to gasp.

"Oh! Look at the size of that...cloud!" Jessie said as she looked up.

"It looks like my nose is growing a nose," Emma said. That was when two kids ran off screaming.

"Look! I'm even scaring children!"

"No, that's not you. That's something truly horrifying, and its headed this way," Jessie said as she noticed a familiar face behind Emma. It was the evil nanny Agatha.



"I see you're still taking care of these hideous children," Agatha said as she rolled her eyes, and the kids looked offended.

"And I see your tooth is still trying to escape," Natasha said. Agatha widened her eyes before she walked off.

"Great one, Nat," Luke said as he high fived Natasha.

"Is that the nasty nanny who tried to get Jessie fired with her Toddler Tattler blog?" Ravi asked Zuri.

"Mmm-hmm. Someone should drop a house on that," Zuri said as she ate a raspberry.

A few meters away, Agatha was seen talking with another woman, who was her twin sister, Angela.

"But Agatha, please. I just got into town. I have nowhere to stay," Angela begged.

"There's just not enough room for you," Agatha said before she started to walk off.

"But Agatha. Your apartment is huge."

"I'm talking about New York!"

As Agatha left, Jessie and the kids approached Angela, who was sitting by herself on a bench.

"Hi. I'm Jessie," Jessie said as she sat down next to her.

"I'm Angela," Angela replied.

"I too have gone face to mole with Agatha. Or as I call her... Well, I can't tell you what I call her because there are children present."

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