Star Wars

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[Author's note: This is the first time that I made my own outfit moodboard for my stories

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[Author's note: This is the first time that I made my own outfit moodboard for my stories. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.]

Author's pov:

"Dad!" Luke said as he went to the terrace and saw his siblings and father sitting at the table.

"Hey, bud!" Morgan hugged Luke as he sat down while Jessie came after him. "And Jessie! Great, you're all here. Oh, boy, guys. I missed you all so much. I thought my heart was gonna... Was gonna..."

Morgan held onto his chest and groaned for a while before a fake heart popped from his chest. Everyone screamed before they all laughed.

"Burst," he finished.

"Great one, Dad," Luke said.

"That was cool. Nasty, but cool," Natasha added.

"Mr. Daddy has a million of these shenanigans," Ravi informed Jessie. "Word to the wise. If he asks you to pull his finger, say no."

"I actually do have something to tell you guys," Morgan started. "You've seen Vampires in the Mist, right?"

"Only a gajillion times. Jordan Taylor is my screen saver, my wallpaper, and my password!" Emma said. "Forget what I said about my password."

"Well, try to stay calm. He might be in my next movie," Morgan informed.

Emma stood up and gasped. "O-M-G! Jordan Taylor? I gotta go text!" She made a run towards the door.

"Emma, that door is-!" But Emma didn't listen and had face planted into the glass.

"Closed," Jessie said as she looked with concern.

"That calmed her right down," Luke said laughing.

Jessie walked over and helped her up as Bertram opened the door.

"I'll take care of this, sir," he said before he sprayed the door and wiped it down. "And I'll bring back an ice pack."

"Jordan Taylor, huh?" Jessie asked. "Maybe Emma could meet him. I would go with her, of course, just to make sure she doesn't go all crazy."

"Yeah, like she'd be the only one," Natasha commented before she drank some orange juice.

"Well, we're all going to meet him. He's gonna be staying here for the weekend," Morgan said.

Everyone gasped, especially Emma and Jessie.

"Here? With us?" Jessie asked before she started to become dizzy. "Room.... Getting.... Darker...." She then fainted.

"This is why I'm not looking forward to puberty," Zuri said.


"Ok, listen, guys. This is really important, okay?" Morgan said as everyone sat on the living room couch. "If Jordan decides to be in my next movie, this could be my first real shot at an Oscar."

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