Creepy Connie Comes a Callin'

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Natasha's pov:

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Natasha's pov:

"She did WHAT?" I said to Luke as I dropped my phone in disbelief. He had just told me that Jessie had invited Connie Thompson, who we personally called Creepy Connie, over to our place to study with him after school.

"I know, right? Imagine how terrible this is going to turn out," Luke said to me.

I stood up and shook my head. "That girl is a complete psycho. What was Jessie thinking?"

"I don't know, but I know I'm not looking forward to it. Can you help me?"

"Sorry, I can't. I'm supposed to be going over my biology assignment with Aiden," I informed Luke as I picked up my backpack.

"Well, isn't there anything I can do?" he asked.

"I don't know. Maybe try to lie your way out of it?" I recommended.

"With what?"

"Yeah, you have a point," I said. "Well, we better get going."

We left my room and headed downstairs.

"Also, why do you talk about Aiden so much?" Luke asked me as we entered the elevator.

"Um- no reason. He's just a friend," I stuttered.

"Friend or boyfriend?" Luke said under his breath.

"Shut up," I said as I playfully punched his arm.


Author's pov:

Later that day, Jessie was cleaning the living room when Luke and Natasha entered the apartment.

"Luke, doesn't Kenny the Koala belong on your bed?" Jessie asked.

"Pfft! No! What am I, 5 years old? I don't need that stupid bear anymore," Luke said as Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Oh, really?" she said, knowing that Luke was lying.

"Well, then maybe it's time for him to hibernate," Jessie said before she began to put the stuffed koala into the trashcan she was holding.

"Stop!" Luke grabbed Kenny from Jessie's hand before she could let him go. "Where's his little hat?"

He took the bin and tipped it over until the hat fell out. He then placed it onto Kenny's head.

"There you go, mate. No worries."

"Way to play that off, slick," Natasha whispered to him.

"You, uh, might not want to let Connie see that," Jessie told Luke as she picked up the trash.

"I can't believe you invited Creepy Connie Thompson here to study with Luke," Natasha said.

"Yeah, she's always checking me out," Luke added with a disgusted face.

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