Gotcha Day

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

It was a very exciting day at the Ross penthouse, as it was the day they adopted Zuri (also known as Gotcha Day). That morning, Christina, Jessie, Emma, Natasha, and Ravi were awwing while going through a photo album containing all of Zuri's baby photos from when she was adopted.

"I can't believe it's been seven years since we brought Zuri home from Uganda," Christina said as she smiled.

"Okay, so Gotcha Day is the day to celebrate the arrival of an adopted child?" Jessie asked.


"Gotcha." Jessie laughed a bit when she realized what she said.

As Christina put the photo album down, she frowned upon touching the coffee table.

"Ew! Bertram! This coffee table is a sticky mess," she said.

"What? I wiped it down earlier," Bertram said before Christina looked at him. "And I'd be delighted to do it again."

Bertram chuckled as he went over to where everyone was seated.

"Oh, may I say, ma'am, I know you've given up modeling, but those ankles are still runway ready."

Christina chuckled at the compliment.

"Wow, you can mop up and kiss up at the same time. I hope you stretched first," Jessie said as Bertram rolled his eyes.

Luke and Morgan walked up to the staircase and the former blew an airhorn.

"Hear ye, hear ye," Luke said. "All rise for the Gotcha Day girl."

"You know her, you love her, you wanna squeeze her till her pigtails pop... Zuri Ross!" Morgan announced as Zuri came downstairs. Everyone cheered as Luke threw down a couple of stink bombs, causing smoke to fill the room and everyone coughed.

"Luke, I think you accidentally grabbed stink bombs instead of smoke bombs," Morgan told him.

"You think? My brain is melting," Emma said as she plugged her nose.

"I really should organize my prank bag. I mean, this was just unprofessional," Luke said.

"I'm surprised I'm hearing that from you of all people," Natasha replied.

"Bertram, can you please clean this up?" Christina asked.

"You mean the air?" Bertram asked as he pointed up. Christina glared at him again. "I'll get right on it, ma'am."

"Wow, my Gotcha Day is off to kind of a stinky start," Zuri said.

"Oh, okay. Here are the smoke bombs," Luke said as he took the cap off of a small cannon tube. The tube exploded with colorful confetti.

"For your Gotcha Day, we're getting you a label maker," Jessie said. Luke smiled before he blew the horn in Jessie's face.


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