One Day Wonders

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

"Morning, Bertram," Jessie said as she entered the kitchen and found Bertram washing dishes. "I could use a banana, sunscreen, and some peanuts."

"And I could use a rich girlfriend named Lola. I guess we're both a couple of dreamers," the butler replied with sarcasm.

"I'm going to spend my day off all by myself in Central Park. The banana's if I get hungry, the sunscreen's in case it's hot, and the peanuts are in case I meet a squirrel. They're so cute with their little chubby cheeks." Jessie then proceeded to make nibbling noises to imitate a squirrel.

"You really are adorable," Bertram said smiling.


"Central Park chews up adorable and poops it out."

The dumbwaiter door opened to reveal Zuri hiding in there.

"I heard the word adorable, so here I am!" She said as she crawled out. "Can I go to the park with you?"

"Oh, sweetie, I would love that, but I need a little time to be alone," Jessie said to Zuri. "Like I was on prom night, when my date dumped me for the entire drill team. But why share my bitterness with you?"

Jessie proceeded to walk towards the door with Zuri following her.

"Please let me come! I need sunlight. Must...have...vitamin D," she said as she dropped to her knees as if she was going to faint.

"Okay, I'll be alone with you," Jessie said smiling.

"All better!" Zuri said as she got back on her feet.

The two then walked into the living room to find Luke holding a basketball.

"Hey, I hear you're going to the park," he said.

"And yet when I call you to do your homework, you don't hear a thing," Jessie remarked.

"So, I hear we are going to the park," Ravi said as he walked out of the screening room.

"Yup. Think fast!" Luke said as he threw his basketball at Ravi, hitting his head in the process.

"I think....Ouch!" Ravi yelled.

Emma walked past them with her tablet while Natasha was following her, reading a book.

"Emma, Natasha, are you coming to the park with us?" Ravi asked them.

"Sorry, can't. I'm catching up on Dracula," Natasha said.

"And I'm updating my status," Emma added. "Just invited to the park, now sitting on the couch."

"Good job, girls. Keep living life to the fullest," Jessie said sarcastically. "Bertram, I'm going to the park alone! With Zuri, Ravi, and Luke. And anyone else we happen to meet along the way."

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