Are You Cooler Than A Fifth Grader?

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[Author's note: Before we get into this chapter, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has voted for this story

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[Author's note: Before we get into this chapter, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has voted for this story. I actually never expected this story to become this popular, but I'm really appreciative.]

Author's pov:

One Monday morning at the Ross penthouse, Jessie came through the hallways, banging on a pot with a wooden spoon.

"It is 0700 hours! Out of your cots and hit the mess hall for eggs Florentine and chocolate croissants!" Jessie yelled, but immediately frowned. "Ok, this rich people food really kills my whole military vibe."

Zuri came out of her room, wearing a tiara.

"Here's a fun fact. When you're blow-drying doll hair, high is too high," she said before she held up her doll, which now had a half melted face.

"Oh. Uh, that's okay, sweetie," Jessie assured her. "Noses are overrated anyway. Just ask Voldemort."

"Don't say his name!" Zuri said before she ran back into her room in fear.

Just then, Luke came out of his room in his pajamas.

"Good morning, Jessie. ♪ Let's get this weekend started ♪" Luke sang as he started dancing down the hallway.

"It's Monday," Jessie reminded him.

"Ugh. Wake me up when it's Saturday," he said as he stretched.

That was when Natasha came out of her room, already dressed and rubbing her eyes.

"You're up early, Nat," Jessie said.

"Yeah. I have cheer practice after school, so I decided to wake up early today," Natasha replied as she put on her glasses.

Suddenly, Ravi came out of his room wearing an orange outfit, making Jessie and Luke cringe.

"Hello, good family. Who is ready to get their learn on?" he said with a smile.

"Oh, my. What you wearing?" Jessie asked awkwardly.

"It is my sherwani, only worn on very special occasions. Since my tutor says I am now ready to start school with Emma, Natasha, and Luke, what better day to wear it?"

"Maybe on a day when your nightclub act opens in Vegas," Luke commented, making Ravi frown.

"Rude, much?" Natasha said.

"Luke, that happens to be a very beautiful, traditional Indian shaboopy," Jessie said.

"Sherwani," Ravi corrected.

"Sure. Wani. My point is that you look really great and I know Luke is gonna look out for you today."

Ravi chuckled before he went downstairs with Natasha following him.

"So, are you ready for your first day at school?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, sister," Ravi said. "I'm pretty sure I can handle this."

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