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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

One morning at breakfast, the kids were eating while Emma was staring off into space.

"Hey, Emma. Pass the pepper," Luke said. But Emma didn't hear him and kept staring.

"Earth to Emma!" Luke said. He even threw a croissant at her, but still no answer.

"Not eating. Flushed. Spaced out," Natasha said as she examined Emma.

"Either Emma's in love, or she's been bitten by a deer tick," Jessie said.

"His name is Vincent," Emma told them, but Zuri started laughing.

"Emma's in love with a tick named Vincent," she said.

"He's this really cute guy from school. He's so cool. Way too cool to ask me out."

"You got that right," Luke scoffed.

"Vincent is awesome. In a Bollywood movie, he would get the girl, her sister, and four goats as a dowry," Ravi told them. Emma made a confused look.


Later at school, Emma, Natasha, Luke, and Ravi were in the hallway as they spied Vincent opening his locker.

"Okay, I'm going for it," Emma said as she took a deep breath.

"Good luck. May he turn out to be your life-long lab partner," Ravi said. Emma smiled at the compliment.

"Please. You're gonna get rejected faster than Bertram's hair plugs," Luke said as he laughed. Natasha punched his shoulder.

"May the force of Kate Middleton be with me," Emma said as she approached Vincent.

"Bet you our lunch puddings she'll crash and burn," Luke said to Ravi.

"I will take that action," Ravi said as they shook hands. Natasha rolled her eyes as they watched Emma.

As Emma approached Vincent, she was hit in the face by his locker.

"Whoa. What do you have against my locker?" he asked.

"Apparently, my nose," Emma said as she held her nose. Vincent took a paper flower from a girl walking nearby.

"This is for you and your nose," Vincent said.

"Thank you. It's beautiful," Emma said as she took the flower and smiled.

"You wanna go grab some lunch? I'm tight with the lunch lady, so I can get us some milk that hasn't expired."

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