Take the A Train...I Think?

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

One day at the Ross penthouse, Jessie was cleaning and Natasha was reading "Emily the Strange". Bertram came into the living room with Zuri on his back.

"Come on, come on, come on!" she yelled.

"Jessie, do something about this!" Bertram groaned.

"Zuri, Bertram is a butler, not a ride," Jessie said.

"You're telling me. Spin! Spin! Spin!" Zuri said as she smacked Bertram's head three times. "Nothing?"

"Well that's saying something," Natasha said as she closed her book.

Jessie smiled before she took Zuri off of Bertram's back.

"I think someone needs to go to the park," Jessie said.

"I think someone needs to be declawed," Bertram commented as he pulled out a stray fingernail.

"You can't prove that's mine," Zuri said before she hid her hand.

Suddenly, Luke and Ravi ran in from the terrace with Emma chasing them.

"Here we go," Natasha said as she put her earbuds in her ears.

"I hate you!" Emma yelled at Luke.

"I hate you more!" he yelled back.

Emma grabbed a bouquet of roses from a vase.

"Ooh, like roses are gonna hurt me," Luke commented, but Emma then whacked him on the shoulder with the roses.

"Ow! Thorns!"

Luke ran off and jumped over the couch, but Emma caught up to him. Ravi was caught in the middle of the scuffle when Jessie ran over to break them up.

"This is a sad sight," Natasha said as she shook her head. Zuri sat next to her with a smile.

"What's happening?" Jessie asked as she struggled to keep Emma and Luke separated.

"I do not know! I thought we were just playing tag!" Ravi said as he clung to Jessie.

"I wonder if I can stay like this till they go off to college," Jessie said.


After a few minutes, Jessie was still struggling with the kids.

"Okay, my arms are getting tired and my deodorant's giving out!" Jessie yelled.

"I can confirm that," Ravi said with a slight grimace.

"So knock it off!" Jessie said as she finally let Emma and Luke go.

"Luke took my computer and I need it to write my social studies report!" Emma said.

"Well I need it to play video games and my computer fell in the toilet!" Luke commented.

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