Glue Dunnit: A Sticky Situation

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

"Zuri, quit pushing me!" Emma said as she ran into the lobby with Zuri pushing behind her.

"I'm not pushing. I'm just walking faster behind you," Zuri said with a smile.

"Just be happy I didn't get that cattle prod she wanted for Christmas," Jessie said.

"I'm shocked you even considered it," Natasha said.

Luke and Ravi entered the lobby.

"Hey, Ravi. Go long!" Luke said.

"Go where?" Ravi asked.

Luke threw his football, which ended up hitting Mrs. Chesterfield in the stomach.

"Ooh, yikes," Natasha said.

"Oops," Luke said with a nervous chuckle.

Mrs. Chesterfield stomped on Luke's football, causing it to deflate as her heel had punctured it.

"Oops," she said in a mocking tone as Luke rolled his eyes.

"Hey, that was mean!" Jessie said.

"Thank you. I try," Mrs. Chesterfield replied.

"Someone hand me a bucket of water. I'd really like to see her melt," Natasha said as they all laughed.

"Tony, help me with my bags," Mrs. Chesterfield called.

"He's a doorman, not a plastic surgeon," Jessie said. The kids continued laughing.

Tony walked past the counter and accidentally stepped on Bertram's foot, as he was hiding behind it to avoid Mrs. Chesterfield.


"Excuse me, Bertram," Tony said.

"Hello, Bertie! I didn't see you back there!" Mrs. Chesterfield said as she walked to the front desk.

"That was the plan," Bertram said as he stood up.

"Oh, you!" Mrs. Chesterfield laughed.

Bertram followed Jessie and the kids to the elevator as Tony picked up Mrs. Chesterfield's shopping bags.

"I'll take this one," Mrs. Chesterfield said as she took a pink bag from Tony. "It has my favorite hair product: 'Do Glue. Be on the watch for une coiffure extraordinaire."

"If I see him, I will call the cops immediately," Tony said.

Mrs. Chesterfield walked over to the elevator that everyone was in.

"Close! Close! Close! Close!" they said, but Chesterfield made it to the elevator before the door could close, and they all groaned.

The elevator trip was awkward as there was barely any open space. Bertram immediately scooted away from Mrs. Chesterfield after she made eyes at him.

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