The Princess and the Pea Brain

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Author's pov:

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Author's pov:

Jessie and the kids were walking home from a magic show.

"That magic show was awesome," Zuri said.

"I loved when the magician pulled money out of Jessie's nose," Luke added.

Jessie then sneezed, followed by coins falling onto the ground.

"Hey, I'm one head cold away from getting those boots I wanted," she said with a smile.

"So far, I fail to see the magic in these magic rings," Ravi said as he struggled to get two magic rings to intertwine.

"Jessie! Rosslings! Check out my new dolly," Tony said as he walked over to the group. "I can carry luggage, schlep garbage. I can even ride it. Watch me catch air." He then proceeded to ride on it before attempting to pop a wheelie.

"Oh! X Games, here you come," Luke said awkwardly.

Tony got off the dolly and walked over to Jessie.

"Hey, Jessie. I was wondering if you want to..." Tony smiled awkwardly before he pulled out an apple. "Have an apple?"

"Thanks, Tony," Jessie said before she took the apple. "I will enjoy this linty goodness."

Suddenly, a man drove past everyone on his motorcycle and parked right next to the building.

"Awesome bike!" Luke said.

The man pulled out a bouquet of roses from his motorcycle.

"Awesome roses!" Emma said excitedly.

The man then turned and made eye contact with Jessie.

"Awesome face. Did I say that out loud?" Jessie asked.

"Yes. Even North Dakota heard," Natasha said.

"Well, hello. My name's Brody Winton. And you are?" the guy asked as he walked towards Jessie.

"Totally available!" Emma said as she ran behind Jessie, smiling.

"Oh, no she isn't!" Natasha said, lightly pushing Emma.

"Is so!" Emma said before she pushed Natasha out of the way and went back over to jessie. "Every Saturday night, she veges out in front of the TV in a ratty old Longhorns sweatshirt covered in food stains."

"Which you guys spilled on me," Jessie remarked before awkwardly laughing. "Kids. I'm Jessie. And I happen to look awesome in that sweatshirt."

"I'm sure you do. Allow me, Jessie," Brody said as he took a box from Jessie's arm.

"Oh, thanks," Jessie said before Brody proceeded to open the door for her.

"He's stealing your woman and your job! Do something!" Zuri yelled at Tony.

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