Chapter 2

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Engfa Waraha gazed out of her penthouse window, the city lights of Bangkok twinkling like a sea of stars below. Her biggest concert was just around the corner, and it was a tradition that filled her with mixed emotions. The anticipation of performing for thousands of fans was exhilarating, but it also meant facing memories she preferred to keep buried.

As the country's number one female singer, Engfa had learned to wear many masks. To her fans, she was the enchanting diva, a woman of allure and charisma. But behind the glittering facade was a private person, one who had faced her fair share of heartbreak and betrayal.

Nudee, her beloved little sister, was about to attend her concert. They hadn't met in person for almost eight months since Engfa's visit to the UK during a fan meeting event. Nudee's absence had left a void in Engfa's life, and she cherished the bond they shared.

Engfa's manager, Tina, entered the room, her voice tinged with concern. "Engfa, your sister is coming to the concert. Are you ready for that?"

Engfa turned away from the window, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "I miss her, Tina, but I worry about what she thinks of me. She doesn't like my playgirl image."

Tina placed a reassuring hand on Engfa's shoulder. "Nudee loves you, Engfa. She might not always agree with your choices, but she's your sister, and family comes first. Just be yourself, and she'll see the real you."

Engfa nodded, her thoughts drifting to the past. The pain of her ex-girlfriend's betrayal still lingered, the scars hidden behind her confident stage persona. She had built walls around her heart, believing that love was a treacherous game. But as the concert drew nearer, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the moment when everything would change.

Under the starlit sky of Bangkok, Engfa's heart danced with both anticipation and apprehension, as the melodies of her life began to intertwine in unexpected ways.

So this is my first story on here and I am a big englot fan. But this is my own storyline and it may or may not have real life moments of englot.
Hope you all love the story.

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