Chapter 27

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Engfa, filled with newfound hope, planned another date with Charlotte. This time, they visited an art gallery, getting lost in the world of colors and emotions. They walked together, admiring the paintings and talking softly, their words carrying the weight of unspoken feelings.

Engfa (looking at a painting, amazed): "Art and music, they're like magic, right? They make us feel things we can't express."

Charlotte (smiling): "Definitely. It's like the artists and musicians speak the emotions we can't put into words."

Their conversation flowed naturally, moving from art to life, dreams, and the complexities of their own hearts. Engfa, with sincerity in her voice, shared her deepest emotions.

Engfa (softly): "Charlotte, I want you to understand how much you mean to me. My feelings for you have always been there, even when life took us in different directions. You inspire me, give me hope, and a love that refuses to fade away."

Charlotte (looking into Engfa's eyes, a mix of emotions): "Engfa, I don't want to ignore what's between us. There's something special, something deep. But I'm scared, scared of the future. We are in two different place. I have to go back to England again. And there is something you dont know about."

Engfa (holding Charlotte's hand gently): "I get your fears, Charlotte. If the problem is distance, I can gurantee you, I will always find my way to you. You think I didn't think about this. I'm willing to do anyhing to be with you Charlotte. I'm scared too, scared of how much I care for you. How much I love you. But I believe in us, in what we can be together. I'm willing to take the risk, face the unknown, because you're worth it. And which ever the thing you are holding to you, I am sure won't affect to my feelings. There is nothing that can affect my love for you Charlotte."

Engfa held Charlotte's hand tightly, a silent pledge to never let go.

Throughout the night, they remained enveloped in each other's arms, finding solace in the warmth of their embrace. In those moments, they felt that there was no other place in the world they'd rather be than in each other's presence, their love becoming an unbreakable bond that held them together, promising a future filled with shared dreams and endless devotion.


Days passed, and Engfa found herself on a popular TV show, the focus of attention as the main guest. The host, curious about Engfa's inspiration, asked, "What fuels your creativity for this album?"

Engfa, passionate in her response, said, "Love. Love in all its forms. But there's someone special who has inspired many of the songs in this album. Their presence in my life gives life to my music, infusing it with real emotions and raw intensity."

The host, intrigued, probed further, "A special someone, perhaps? Can you share any details?"

Engfa smiled mysteriously, "Let's just say this person makes my heart flutter"

The host (smirking): "So, are you in a relationship now? Your fans are curious. What's your relationship status? Are you single or taken?"

Engfa (smiling, sincere): "I'm single but not available for anyone expect for some special person.There's someone I deeply care about, someone who has always held a special place in my heart. In the past, I was too afraid to admit my feelings, but now, I'm ready to confront them."

The host (intrigued): "Ah, a mysterious someone. Any hints?"

Engfa (smiling warmly): "Let's just say she makes my heart race even remeberher name, someone I've known for a long time. I hope she hears this and understands how much she means to me."

The host (teasingly): "A woman, then! Engfa, you're breaking hearts all over the nation."

Engfa (firmly): "I hope one heart, the most important one, considers taking a chance on me. She's the reason behind my songs, my smiles, and my late-night thoughts. I'm patiently waiting for her response."

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