Chapter 18

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Marima and Heidi had finally found a moment to meet with Charlotte at their favorite café. Charlotte sensed that it was time to reveal the truth, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Heidi: "Engfa texted me a few days ago..."

Charlotte's agitation was immediate, and she couldn't hide her unease.

Heidi: "She asked for your number, saying she wanted to talk to you about something important. I asked her why, but she didn't give me any details. Care to explain, Charlotte?"

Charlotte: "How should I know? You should ask her about it."

Marima decided to take a softer approach, realizing that Charlotte wasn't going to open up easily.

Marima (softly): "Charlotte, what's wrong, baby? Without you telling us, how can we help you? What's going on with Engfa?"

Charlotte began to cry, her emotions spilling over.

Heidi: "Hey, whatever it is, we're here for you. Stop crying."

Both friends comforted her, and after a while, her tears subsided, allowing her to speak.

Charlotte: "Ever since I first saw her at the concert, there was something... something I couldn't understand. We met again at the gala, and that feeling lingered. I felt like Engfa had similar feelings, but we couldn't comprehend them. Then, one day, she came to the café where I work..." Charlotte continued to share every detail, no matter how small, with her best friends, who listened patiently.

Marima: "Why didn't you tell us?"

Charlotte: "I didn't want to burden you, and I wasn't sure what I was feeling myself. Everything happened so suddenly and unexpectedly."

Heidi: "That's why you broke up with Mark?"

Charlotte: "Yes, it wasn't fair to him. He's a good guy and deserves better."

Marima: "You're a good person too, Charlotte, and you deserve happiness."

Heidi: "Have you had a chance to talk to Engfa since she announced her relationship with Pitchy?"

Charlotte: "No."

Heidi: "You should talk to her. Sometimes, proper conversations can resolve everything."

Charlotte: "She's happy, Heidi, and she's in a relationship. How can I interrupt that?"

Marima: "But Engfa owes you an explanation. She made you believe something and then left you. That's not right."

Heidi: "Maybe Engfa has her reasons."

Marima: "Stop taking her side, Heidi. Engfa is not our friend, Charlotte is. We should be on her side."

Heidi: "I'm not trying to take sides; I'm just being reasonable."

Charlotte: "Stop, you two. I don't want you to fight."

They continued their conversation, discussing various aspects of the situation. After talking to her friends, Charlotte felt a sense of relief, as if she had finally freed herself from her own feelings. She was grateful for understanding friends who listened without judgment.

Heidi: "I'm going to give your number to Engfa, and promise me you'll talk to her."

Charlotte: "What should I tell her?"

Heidi: "Tell her how you're feeling or ask her why she's in a relationship after giving you those vibes."

Charlotte: "I don't know..."


Just after Engfa received Charlotte's number from Heidi, she sent a message to Charlotte. "Hey Charlotte, it's Engfa. I got your number from Heidi. Can we meet? I won't take too long. Can you please meet me?"

Charlotte received Engfa's message, and her heart raced. She had anticipated this moment, and now that it was here, she felt a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. After a moment of contemplation, she replied:

Charlotte: "Alright, Engfa. Let's meet. How about the café near the beach in an hour?"

Engfa: "Sounds good, Charlotte. See you there."

As Charlotte prepared to leave for the café, her mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions and questions. What did Engfa want to discuss? How would this conversation unfold? And what would it mean for their complicated history?

An hour later, Charlotte arrived at the café, her palms slightly sweaty with nervousness. She spotted Engfa sitting by the window, her eyes focused on the street outside. Engfa looked up as Charlotte approached, and for a moment, their eyes met. There was a hint of tension, but also a glimmer of something unspoken.

Engfa gestured to the empty chair across from her. "Thanks for meeting me, Charlotte."

Charlotte took a deep breath and sat down. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Engfa hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I wanted to apologize, Charlotte. I know I left things between us in a confusing and hurtful way, and I owe you an explanation."

Engfa took a moment to gather her thoughts before she began to speak again. "Charlotte, you deserve to know the truth. When we first met, there was an undeniable connection between us. I felt it too. But I was going through a complicated time in my life, professionally and personally."

Charlotte listened attentively, her eyes locked onto Engfa's.

Engfa continued, "The reality is, I didn't handle our connection well. I allowed myself to get close to you, and then I panicked. Then, after seeing you with your boyfriend at the club I can't get that off from my mind. I thought it was best to distance myself because you are in a relationship. So when I leaving the country I was totally mess Charlotte, and it led some impulsive things to happened. Pitchy is the solution my management team come up with to clear my mess."

Charlotte nodded, her emotions a mix of understanding and lingering hurt. "I appreciate your honesty, Engfa."

Engfa reached out and placed her hand on Charlotte's, a gesture of both apology and comfort. "I'm truly sorry, Charlotte. I should have been more open with you from the beginning. I never intended for any of this to happen."

Charlotte felt a weight lifting off her shoulders as Engfa spoke. She had craved this honesty for so long, and now that she had it, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

Engfa continued, "I've also realized that my feelings for you were genuine. I was confused and scared, but I can't deny that there's something special between us. Even though I'm in a relationship with Pitchy, and even though you are in a relationship, I can't stop thinking about you, Charlotte."

Charlotte's heart fluttered at Engfa's words, and she finally allowed herself to show some vulnerability. "Engfa, I've felt the same way. It's been incredibly difficult for me too. I thought I was alone in this."

Engfa smiled softly, relieved that they were finally having an open conversation. "You're not alone, Charlotte. And even though we're in complicated situations, I want you to know that I care about you deeply."

Tears welled up in Charlotte's eyes, and she reached for a tissue from the table to wipe them away. "Thank you for saying that, Engfa."

Engfa squeezed Charlotte's hand gently. "I don't expect you to make any decisions now, Charlotte. I just wanted to clear the air and be honest with you. We can take things one step at a time, and you can decide what's best for you."

Charlotte nodded, feeling a sense of relief and gratitude that they had finally addressed their feelings and the past.

As they continued their conversation, Charlotte and Engfa talked about their lives, their dreams, and the possibilities that lay ahead. It was a new beginning, and neither of them knew exactly where their journey would lead, but they were determined to navigate it together, with honesty and open hearts.

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