Chapter 8

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Engfa couldn't quite explain why seeing Charlotte with another guy had affected her so deeply. After all, she and Charlotte were practically strangers. Yet, a surge of jealousy and hurt had welled up within her.

Tina, noticed the turmoil in Engfa's eyes but decided to remain silent, knowing that Engfa wasn't one to easily open up about her feelings.

The drive back from gala was quit as Engfa lost her own thoughts. The feelings she is experience is totally new to her. It is evident Charlotte is doing something to her. ButEngfa is not sure what exactly it is.

In an attempt to distract herself, Engfa decided to go to a club she usually going to and lost her self from unfamilier thoughts.

Engfa: "Tina I am not still ready to call the night off. So I want to go for a drink and have little bit fun. I will drop by the club. You dont need to wait for me. I have plans"

Tina: " You sure, because it looks like it is better to go home."

Engfa: "Yes I am sure, I need to clear up my mind, and also I am working nonstaply for last few weeks and don't you think I deserve to be laid."

Tina: "Whatever, dont put your ass on a danger."


Inside the exclusive VVIP lounge of the club, Engfa sat on a couch, a glass of whiskey in hand. She had come here with a single purpose in mind: to drown her thoughts in alcohol and forget about the confusing emotions she had felt earlier.

As she swirled the amber liquid in her glass, a girl approached her, her eyes filled with curiosity and a playful smile on her lips. Engfa knew where the night was heading, and she welcomed the distraction.

Girl: (Flirtatious) "Hey there, can I joined you?"

Engfa: "Of course"

Girl: "Well, I guess today is my lucky day. I am meeting a biggest super star in the country"

Engfa chuckled and ordered another round of drinks, gesturing for the girl to take a seat. They clinked glasses and engaged in lively conversation.

As the night wore on, fueled by alcohol and the pulsating beats of the music, Engfa and the girl found themselves on the crowded dance floor. The dim lights and thumping bass created an electric atmosphere, and they began to move to the rhythm, their bodies entwined in an intoxicating dance.

The girl's laughter and Engfa's carefree attitude blended together, forming a chaotic symphony in the midst of the club's sensory overload. Neither of them was fully aware of what was happening; they were simply lost in the moment.

The girl is all over the Engfa's body. It seems like Engfa doesn't care anymore.
Engfa suddenly grab the girl by her waist and start kissing. In this moment they both are waisted.
Suddenly, Engfa asked "where are you living, baby girl, let's go to your place and continue the night further."

With that they both are leaving the club and leave to where they can get some privacy to experience the upcoming long night.

The night stretched into the early hours of the morning, and eventually,they both are overwhelming. Engfa finally get over from the girl's body and get off from the bed. She dressed her clothes and look at the girl she spent last couple of hour.

Girl: "You know, you can stay the night here."

Engfa: "Sorry for disappointing you, baby girl. I don't usually sleep with anyone. It's just how it is. But honestly, I enjoyed tonight."

Girl: "So you didn't even ask my name, does that mean we won't meet again?"

Engfa approached the bed with a small smile, leaned over, and kissed the girl's cheek. "Thank you." With that, she left the girl behind.


The next morning, Engfa woke up with a pounding headache from her clubbing night. She went to the bathroom, grabbed a couple of painkillers, and washed them down with water.

Downstairs in her fancy kitchen, she craved a strong coffee to shake off her hangover. The rich aroma filled the room as she brewed a cup.

Sitting alone at the kitchen island, Engfa couldn't help but get lost in her thoughts. Her life had turned into a routine of work, parties, and empty encounters with strangers. It had become tiresome, but she couldn't break free.

Engfa's career had brought her fame, but it also made her feel isolated. The glitz and admiration of her public life clashed with her personal loneliness. She wanted something more meaningful, a real connection beyond the shallowness of her world.

As she sipped her coffee, she faced the truth. She was fed up with the emptiness of her lifestyle. The constant rush of her career left her craving companionship, someone to come home to and share her life.

But Engfa was stuck in her success, surrounded by walls guarding her heart. Fear of getting hurt again had made her cautious about opening up, keeping love at bay.

She knew she needed a change, a break from her non-stop life. She had to find a way to break free from her loneliness. The big question was where and with whom she could find that change and open her heart again.

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