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Charlotte couldn't shake the constant longing she felt for Engfa. It had been too long since she had seen her, and the absence of their encounters was taking a toll on her. Her inability to focus on anything else was straining her relationship with Mark. The once-strong bond between them was showing signs of wear and tear.

One evening, as Charlotte sat at her desk, trying to work but failing miserably, she made an impulsive decision. She opened her laptop and typed Engfa's name into the search bar on Facebook. What she found was a painful revelation.

Engfa's profile was filled with photos and videos from her recent performances and playful encounters with her fans. Charlotte couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and longing as she watched Engfa's vibrant energy radiate from the screen. She missed her more than ever.

As she scrolled through Engfa's posts, Charlotte discovered that Engfa was about to embark on a European tour in just a few days. Her heart sank at the thought of being separated from Engfa for even longer.

But then, a glimmer of hope emerged. Charlotte stumbled upon a post mentioning that Engfa's fan meetup in Bangkok was scheduled for the day before her departure.

She knew she had to go. She had to see Engfa one more time before she left. It was a risk, and it could jeopardize her already fragile relationship with Mark, but she couldn't ignore the ache in her heart any longer.

Charlotte closed her laptop, her mind made up. She had to take a chance on her unspoken feelings for Engfa, even if it meant confronting the uncertainty and complexity of her emotions.

The day of the fan meetup arrived, and Charlotte found herself standing in a line with excited fans outside the venue. She felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. What if Engfa don't want to see her? She remembered the sadness of Engfa's eyes at the club. What if her presence there caused even more confusion in their already tangled emotions?

Inside the venue, fans chatted animatedly, sharing their love for Engfa's music and performances. Charlotte tried to blend in, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She found a spot near the back of the room, where she could observe without being too conspicuous.

Engfa finally entered the room to thunderous applause. She looked radiant, her stage presence captivating the audience. As she interacted with her fans, Charlotte watched from a distance, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Engfa's eyes scanned the room as she engaged with fans one by one. Charlotte held her breath, hoping that Engfa wouldn't notice her among the crowd. But fate had other plans.

As Engfa continued to greet fans, her gaze suddenly locked onto Charlotte. Their eyes met, and time seemed to stand still. Engfa's expression shifted from surprise to a subtle recognition.

Engfa finished her conversation with the fan in front of her and then discreetly excused herself. She made her way through the crowd, heading straight toward Charlotte.

The room seemed to blur as Engfa approached. Charlotte's heart raced, unsure of what to say or how to explain her presence. Engfa finally stood in front of her, a small smile playing on her lips.

Engfa: (A hint of disappointment) "I didn't expect to see you here."

Charlotte: (Nervously) "I... I just wanted to... see you before your tour. I've missed you."

Engfa's eyes revealed a mixture of emotions, but her response was distant.

Engfa: (Distantly) "Charlotte, you shouldn't have come here."

Charlotte's eyes welled up with tears, and she struggled to hold back her emotions.

Engfa continued, her voice tinged with a sense of resignation and self-preservation.

Engfa: "I understand that we can't be anything more, and you know that too. Why did you come, Charlotte? You should leave before anyone notices."

With that, Engfa turned away, engaging with another fan who approached for a photo. Charlotte stood there, her heart heavy with the weight of Engfa's words and her own unspoken feelings.

Engfa was trying to protect herself from the pain of their complicated connection, even though it meant pushing Charlotte away. The unresolved emotions between them hung heavily in the air as Engfa continued to interact with her fans.


Engfa embarked on her European tour, visiting countries and performing at sold-out concerts and fan meetings. She was truly a sensation, with fans from various parts of the world coming to see her perform live.

One night, in the vibrant streets of France, Engfa decided to let loose and enjoy some time at a local club. She was there, dancing and laughing, when the paparazzi spotted her with Pitchy. They left the club together, hand in hand, and it didn't go unnoticed.

The next morning, the internet was buzzing with headlines like, "Thailand's Beloved Songstress Sparks Controversy with Romantic Stroll in Paris" , "Engfa Waraha's Heart Takes a Detour to Romance in the City of Love." The news was accompanied by photos of Engfa and Pitchy leaving the club, their hands intertwined. This new revelation brought previous photos and videos of Engfa and Pitchy to the surface, fueling rumors about their relationship. Some claimed they were girlfriends, while others speculated about a friends-with-benefits situation due to other leaked photos with different people.

Engfa's management team realized they needed to take immediate action to protect her reputation.

Tina: (Urgently) "Engfa, this is not good. We have to do some damage control."

Engfa: (Worried) "What do you want me to do?"

Tina and Engfa discussed various options to handle the situation, but none seemed ideal.

Tina: (Suddenly) "Make it official."

Engfa: (Surprised) "What? But Tina, you know Pitchy and I were never an item."

Tina: (Angrily) "Engfa, this is the only way out of this mess. If you're so against the idea, maybe you should've thought about it before all of this happened. Now, make up your mind and get ready for a press conference. I'll arrange everything."

Engfa felt trapped. She didn't want to lie to the public, and also her mind was pop up with thoughts about Charlotte, the woman who caught her heart but she also didn't want her reputation to be tarnished by rumors. While Engfa grappled with her decision, Tina began connecting with Pitchy's manager to plan their approach.

The situation had escalated quickly, and Engfa's world was spinning as she faced a difficult choice.

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