Chapter 15

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Charlotte's world had turned upside down yet again as she scrolled through her social media feed. The internet was buzzing with news and photos of Engfa and Pitchy leaving a club hand in hand in France. The headlines were relentless, calling Engfa and Pitchy the "new power couple," and the images of their romantic stroll through the vibrant streets of Paris were everywhere.

She felt her heartache anew, the pain intensifying with each image and headline. It was as though the universe conspired to remind her of Engfa's new life, a life that didn't include her. She knew Engfa deserved happiness, but witnessing it unfold with someone else was a torment she couldn't escape.

As she followed the story, she couldn't help but wonder about the night in France. What had happened? Was Engfa genuinely in a new relationship, or was it another one night? The uncertainty gnawed at her, making it even harder to move on.


Engfa successfully concluded her tour, leaving behind a trail of unforgettable performances across Europe. She returned to Thailand with Pitchy by her side, and it was soon after her return that the press conference was scheduled.

The press conference room was filled with reporters, cameras, and flashing lights. Engfa and Pitchy stood side by side at the podium, their expressions carefully composed.

Reporter 1: (Eager) "Engfa, Pitchy, can you confirm your relationship? The public has been speculating for weeks."

Engfa: (Calmly) "Yes, we can confirm that Pitchy and I are in a relationship."

Pitchy: (Smiling) "It's true. We've been enjoying our time together."

The room erupted in a cacophony of questions from the reporters.

Reporter 2: (Curious) "How did your relationship start? Can you share the details?"

Pitchy: (Gently) "We've been friends for a while, and our friendship gradually turned into something more. It's been a beautiful journey."

Reporter 3: (Intrigued) "What do you both love most about each other?"

Engfa: (Admiringly) "Pitchy has an incredible spirit, and she's one of the most genuine people I know. I admire her for who she is."

Pitchy: (Blushing) "Engfa's passion for her music and her fans is something truly special. She inspires me every day."

As the press conference continued, Engfa and Pitchy answered questions about their relationship, their future plans, and their thoughts on the public's reaction. They appeared confident and united, successfully conveying their "relationship" to the world.


Meanwhile, Charlotte sat in front of her computer, watching the press conference live. Her heart ached as she listened to Engfa and Pitchy confirm their relationship. The pain of knowing that Engfa had moved on was overwhelming.

Reporter 4: (Excited) "Engfa, how do you feel about the reaction from your fans? Many seem to be heartbroken."

Engfa: (Touched) "I want to assure our fans that I value and love them deeply. My career and my music remain as important as ever. This new chapter in my life won't change that."

Charlotte couldn't bear to watch any longer. She closed her laptop, tears streaming down her face. Engfa had made her decision, and it was clear that their paths had diverged.


Engfa and Pitchy's press conference had successfully dispelled rumors and established their relationship in the public eye. But the aftermath of their announcement weighed heavily on both of them.

Pitchy: (Concerned) "Engfa, are you okay? That was tough."

Engfa: (Exhausted) "I'll be fine. It's just... I hope we made the right decision."

Pitchy: (Supportive) "We did what we had to do to protect your reputation. Let's take it one step at a time."

As they left the press conference room, Engfa couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. The path she had chosen had consequences, and she knew it would be challenging to navigate the complexities of her personal and public life.


In the days that followed, Charlotte tried to process her emotions. She knew she needed to move forward, but it wasn't easy. Engfa's public declaration of her relationship with Pitchy had closed the door on any hope of reconciliation.

Charlotte: (Resigned) "It's time to let go, Charlotte. Engfa has made her choice."

As she wiped away her tears, she decided to focus on her own life and healing her wonded heart.

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