Chapter 12

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Five weeks had passed since their emotional encounter at the café, and Charlotte was still struggling in silence. She hadn't opened up to anyone, not even her close friends Marima and Heidi, about the turmoil inside her. Every day, she found herself checking Engfa's social media accounts, feeling more disconnected from her former flame.

One evening, Marima and Heidi decided it was time to help their friend break free from her emotional chains. They sensed something was wrong with Charlotte, but she hadn't shared anything with them.

Marima: (Concerned) "Charlotte, it's been a while since we had a fun night out. Let's hit the club this weekend! It might help you take your mind off things."

Charlotte hesitated for a moment but then nodded, knowing she needed a distraction.

Heidi: (Excited) "That's the spirit! It's going to be a blast."

As the weekend approached, Mark and Marima's boyfriend joined the group. They all gathered at a city-center club, ready to dance away their worries.

The club's lively atmosphere and pulsing music began to work its magic. Charlotte, dancing passionately with Mark, briefly forgot her problems.

However, just as the night was heating up, Engfa Waraha entered the same club with her manager, Tina. Engfa noticed Charlotte and her friends, and her gaze immediately landed on Charlotte, who was dancing with Mark. A pang of jealousy and hurt surged through her.

Tina: (Supportive) "Engfa, let's not dwell on this. We came here to have a good time, remember?"

Engfa nodded, trying to keep her emotions in check. She didn't want to draw any suspicion, especially from Mark, who was there with Charlotte. Engfa approached Marima and Heidi with a warm smile.

Engfa: (Casually) "Hey, it's been ages! I can't believe we ran into each other here."

Marima and Heidi were thrilled to see Engfa and greeted her warmly, unaware of Engfa's connection to Charlotte.

Marima: (Excited) "Engfa, meet my boyfriend, Sam, and..."

Before Marima could finish the introduction, Charlotte, who had been passionately dancing with Mark, noticed Engfa's arrival. Shocked, she felt Mark's grip on her hand leading her toward Engfa and her friends.

Marima: (Continuing) "...this is Mark, Charlotte's boyfriend."

Charlotte froze, unable to say anything. Mark extended his hand to Engfa.

Mark: "It's an honor to finally meet you. They've always talked about you, and I've wanted to meet you."

Engfa: (Hesitantly) "It's great to meet you too."

Charlotte couldn't hide her unease, her gaze falling to the floor.

Engfa remained calm, acting as casually as possible. She occasionally glanced at Charlotte, her heart aching as she saw Mark's arms around her.

Tina: (Trying to change the mood) "Come on, let's not stand around like this. It's a night to enjoy."

The group dispersed onto the dance floor, but the atmosphere had shifted. Engfa's presence had injected complexity into the night, leaving everyone feeling a bit on edge.

As they danced and tried to make the best of the situation, Charlotte couldn't help but steal glances at Engfa, who was still watching her from a distance. The unspoken emotions between them hung in the air, and the night took an unexpected turn.

The club, once an escape, had become a battleground of unresolved feelings and lingering questions.

While dancing, Charlotte tried to distance herself from Mark, but he remained oblivious, dancing and enjoying the moment. Engfa continued to act casually, not wanting to reveal her inner turmoil.

Marima, sensing the tension, attempted to lighten the mood.

Marima: (Cheerful) "Come on, everyone! Let's not let anything spoil our night. It's about having fun and making memories!"

Heidi nodded in agreement, joining Marima's effort to encourage the group to dance and enjoy themselves.

Heidi: "That's right! Let's leave our worries at the door and dance like there's no tomorrow!"

The group tried to follow Marima and Heidi's lead, letting the music carry them away.

Engfa couldn't take her eyes off Charlotte, the sight of her dancing passionately with Mark piercing her heart more than she had anticipated. Still, she knew she had no right to express her feelings openly.

Tina, understanding Engfa's turmoil, whispered to her.

Tina: (Whispering) "Engfa, it's not worth it. Let's just enjoy the night. She has her own life now."

Engfa nodded, trying to regain her composure. She didn't want her emotions to spoil the night for everyone.

Meanwhile, Marima and Heidi had become increasingly concerned about Charlotte's behavior. They noticed her unease and her frequent glances at Engfa.

Marima: (Whispering to Heidi) "Heidi, something's not right with Charlotte. This isn't like her at all."

Heidi: (Whispering back) "I know, and I've got a feeling it has something to do with that woman over there."

Marima and Heidi exchanged worried glances, realizing there was more to the situation than met the eye.

Charlotte felt trapped between her loyalty to Mark and her lingering feelings for Engfa. She knew she had to confront her emotions eventually, but she wasn't ready for that conversation yet.

The hours passed, and the night began to wind down. The group left the club, their emotions still simmering beneath the surface.

As they said their goodbyes, Charlotte found herself standing beside Engfa for a brief moment. Their eyes met, and in that instant, a multitude of unspoken words passed between them.

Engfa: (Softly) "Take care, Charlotte."

Charlotte nodded, her voice barely above a whisper.

Charlotte: (Whispering) "You too, Engfa."

With that, they parted ways, the unresolved tension between them continuing to linger in the air.

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