Chapter 9

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Engfa's busy schedule often left her seeking moments of solitude and quiet. On a crisp Saturday morning, she decided to venture out on her own. It had been a while since she last visited the cozy coffee shop nestled in a quaint corner of the city.

Engfa, dressed casually in a white shirt, trousers, sunglasses, and a cap, entered the coffee shop. Her attire was a far away from the glamorous outfits she usually adorned, making her virtually unrecognizable as the superstar she was. She placed her order and chose a corner seat and settled in, going through on her phone..

Charlotte, in her usual uniform, went about her morning routine, taking orders and preparing drinks. She approached Engfa's table to drop off her order. Engfa, still engrossed in her phone, didn't glance up as she ordered.

With a soft smile, Charlotte placed the latte on the table. It was only when Engfa looked up and smiled back at her, saying a polite "thank you," that Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. Those eyes, that smile it all seemed familiar.

Charlotte: (Whispering to herself) "Those dimples... could it be?"

Before she could second-guess herself, she hesitantly uttered, "Engfa?"

Engfa, who had been engrossed in her phone, looked up, her sunglasses pushed back, revealing her striking eyes. The moment their gazes locked, recognition washed over them like a wave.

Engfa: (Taken aback) "Charlotte..."

The coffee shop seemed to fade away as they shared this unexpected moment. Finally, they were speaking, though the uncertainty lingered.

Engfa: (With curiosity) " What are you doing to me?"

Confusion mixed with intrigue in Charlotte's eyes as they remained locked with Engfa's.

Charlotte: "I... I don't know."

Engfa leaned in closer, their conversation shrouded in intimacy.

Engfa: "We've crossed paths three times now, and each time, it's like the world stops."

Charlotte's gaze met Engfa's, and she sensed the urgency in Engfa's words.

Charlotte: (Helplessly) "I wish I had answers, but I don't understand it either."

The air grew charged with unspoken questions. Engfa wanted to drive deeper, to understand the enigmatic girl who had unintentionally stirred her emotions. But at the mean time she realised Charlotte is in uncomfortable status with her unexpected questions. This is not the way she want to discover her feelings with Charlotte. This is the first time they talk to each other eventhough they met twice already. Technically both are strangers, yet Engfa couldn't help the urge to understand what is happening.

Engfa: (In concern) "You want me to leave?"

Charlotte: (Tearfully) "I don't know, Engfa... I don't know how to answer your questions. I don't know what I'm feeling. The only thing I know is this is not right... I can't feel these feelings."

Engfa regarded Charlotte with empathy and understanding. She knew this situation was complex, especially considering Charlotte had a boyfriend. Engfa paid for her order, realizing that it might be best to leave.

Their eyes met one last time, silently acknowledging the powerful connection they had discovered. As Engfa left the coffee shop, she couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead in their unexpected story.


Engfa walked the city streets, her thoughts a jumbled mess. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt for Charlotte, but she was also afraid. Engfa had never been one for relationships; specially after what happened with her ex and her career demanded too much of her time and energy. Engfa had built walls around her heart, and the idea of letting someone in scared her.

As she wandered through a park, Engfa questioned her own feelings. Was it just a fleeting attraction? Or was there something more profound happening between her and Charlotte?


While working at the coffee shop, Charlotte couldn't shake the intense encounter with Engfa. Her heart was torn between her boyfriend, Mark, and this enigmatic superstar.

Charlotte had always been a loyal and committed partner, but the chemistry she felt with Engfa was undeniable. She, too, was afraid of what this might mean. Her relationship with Mark had been steady, filled with love and shared dreams.

But now, there was a new element introduced into her life, one she couldn't ignore. Charlotte knew she had to confront her feelings, not just for her sake but also for Mark's.

As the day continued, Charlotte couldn't escape the emotional turmoil within her. She had to make a choice, and it wouldn't be easy.

Both Engfa and Charlotte were caught in a web of uncertainty, fear, and attraction, unsure of where their newfound connection would lead.

I am not sure whether to continue this or not. What you guys think.

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