Chapter 16

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Engfa and Pitchy had officially become girlfriends. They both knew that if they wanted to make their relationship believable to the public, they had to be seen together in public more often. So, before Pitchy had to return to the Philippines, they planned a special date night. They chose a charming restaurant with romantic dim lighting and soft music. Engfa couldn't help but smile at Pitchy. Their relationship had started as a fake one, but now, there was something real and special between them.

Pitchy: (Smiling) "Engfa, I know you've been working really hard. I'm so glad we could have this time together."

Engfa: (Sincerely) "Pitchy, I appreciate this time together. It's been a whirlwind lately, and I didn't expect any of this."

Pitchy - "Once in a while we should do this. After all now we are girlfriends. Engfa, there is something I need to tell you."

Engfa - What is that?

Pitchy -  "You know, Engfa, I've known you for a long time, and I've always had these feelings I couldn't express. Specially knowing you are not into relationships, I never dare to express the feelings."

Engfa's heart skipped a beat as she looked into Pitchy's eyes, searching for clarity in her emotions.

Engfa: (Curious) "Feelings, Pitchy? What kind of feelings?"

Pitchy: (Nervously) "Engfa, I... I've cared about you more than just a friend. It's taken me a while to understand it, but I have feelings for you, deeper than I've ever felt for anyone else. And with the things happened between us, the feelings got stronger."

Engfa felt a mixture of surprise and warmth wash over her. She valued Pitchy's friendship greatly and didn't want to hurt her.

Engfa: (Thoughtful) "Pitchy, you mean a lot to me too. I don't want to hurt you, and I'm not sure where my heart is right now. But maybe we can see where this journey takes us, but I cant promise you anything."

Pitchy: (Smiling) "That's all I could hope for, Engfa. Let's take it one step at a time."

As they continued their dinner, Engfa and Pitchy explored the possibilities of their budding relationship. While it was born out of necessity, they both realized that sometimes unexpected connections could lead to something beautiful. The city lights and their shared laughter illuminated the path they were beginning to walk together.


Engfa's relationship with her sister, Nudee, was a close one. Nudee had always been there for Engfa, offering support and guidance throughout their lives. As Engfa navigated the complexities of her fake relationship and the challenges of her career, she knew she could confide in Nudee.

One evening, Engfa sat down to call her sister, feeling a need to share her worries and concerns.

Engfa: "Hey, Nudee, how's everything there?"

Nudee: "Engfa, it's so good to hear your voice! Everything's fine here. But how about you? How's life?"

Engfa: (Thoughtful) "Well, you know, it's been quite a rollercoaster lately."

Nudee: (Happy) "Oh, I've seen the news about your relationship, Big sis! I'm so happy for you!"

Engfa: (Hesitant) "Nudee, there's something I need to tell you. I hope you won't be too angry.."

Nudee: (Curious) "Angry..? What is it, sis?"

Engfa: (Opening up) "Nudee, the relationship I'm in... it's not real. It's all for publicity, and it's complicated."

Nudee: (Surprised and Concerned) "Wait, what? Engfa, you mean it's not real? But I saw all those photos and news articles..."

Engfa: "I know, Nudee, it's hard to explain. I never wanted it, but I had to do it to protect my career and my reputation."

Nudee: (Worried) "Engfa, this sounds so stressful. Are you okay? Are you sure about all this?"

Engfa: (Honest) "Honestly, it's been tough.

Nudee: "Engfa, this is not a healthy way to deal with things. Did you think how things will go if people know the truth."

Engfa: "I know I messed up, i am so lost sis. I wish you can be here with me."

Nudee: (Supportive) "I'm here for you, sis. We'll figure this out together. Just promise me you'll reach out when you need help."

Engfa: (Grateful) "I will, Nudee. I love you."

Nudee: (Loving) "I love you too, Engfa. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Engfa hung up the phone, feeling a mix of emotions after sharing her complicated situation with her sister. She knew that no matter how challenging her life became, she could always rely on Nudee for support and understanding..

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