Chapter 4

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Under the bright sun, Charlotte, Haidi, and Marima embarked on their shopping adventure. They are walk around the busy lanes and finally entered a shop which cought their attraction. Haidi, the fashion enthusiast, took charge, "Ladies, let's find some killer outfits!"

Marima nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the racks. "I believe something classy and elegant would be perfect for me."

The trio began their exploration of the boutique, and inevitably, they hit some roadblocks. Charlotte, with a sly grin, held up a simple dress "What do you think, girls? Is this dress low-key enough for me to just blend in and enjoy myself?"

Haidi and Marima exchanged skeptical glances. "No way, Charlotte! This night is going to rock, and this is engfa fucking stars concert! Put that dress away; we need something that screams 'let's party today"

Marima chimed in, pointing at a different outfit. "What about this? It's got a playful and lively party feel."

Charlotte sighed in mock frustration. "You two can never agree on anything, can you?"

They continued their friendly fashion warfare, tossing clothes over dressing room doors, debating style choices, and sharing laughter amidst the fashion chaos. Disagreements were part of the fun.

In the end, they each found outfits that made them feel special. Charlotte's dress was a stunner, hugging her curves and exuding a seductive allure. It was as if the dress was made for her.

As they reached the checkout counter, Charlotte noticed a fellow shopper nearby, a friendly-looking girl who seemed to be facing a fashion dilemma. Charlotte couldn't resist offering assistance.

"Choosing can be a real mission, right?" Charlotte said with a warm smile.

Girl laughed in agreement. "Tell me about it. I want something that screams 'I'm godass,' but these choices are overwhelming."

Haidi, always ready to extend a hand of friendship, chimed in, "You know what? We've been having a mini fashion war all day. How about you be our tie-breaker?"

Girl's eyes lit up with excitement. "Sure, I can be the voice of reason!, by the way i'm Nudee."

"Hey Nudee, I'm Haidi and these two are my besties Charlotte and Marima, It's nice to meet you", like always haidi put a step forward.

"So, what's the occasion you're dressing up for?" Marima asked.

Nudee grinned playfully. "Ah, I want to impress my sister, and honestly, I just want to feel a bit sexy."

With newfound camaraderie, they transformed into a quartet, sharing outfit suggestions, stories, and spontaneous fashion shows amidst the shop's chaos. They helped Nudee discover the perfect ensemble while discussing clothes, music, and life in simple, friendly terms.

After their shopping spree, Nudee turned to them with a warm smile. "Guys, how about we grab some coffee? Since you saved my ass and saved my time, it's my treat."

Marima didn't hesitate. "I'm in! I'm hungry anyway."

Charlotte and Haidi exchanged playful glances, knowing Marima is living for food and book.

They went to a nearby café, where they exchanged fun facts about each other, shared anecdotes, and enjoyed a lighthearted conversation. The café resonated with laughter and the sound of their voices as they got to know each other better.

Nudee: "So, Haidi, you're a model, right?"

Haidi nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. "Yep, that's me. I strut my stuff on the catwalk from time to time."

"So what's the craziest thing you've ever wear during a modeling gig?", asked Nudee.

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh as she explained to Nudee, "You won't believe it, but there was this one time when Haidi wore a dress that looked like it was made of cooked spaghetti and meatballs. I mean, it was like a fashion tribute to pasta lovers. She managed to pull it off like a pro, but we were all secretly holding our breath!"

"I am professional guys, I have to wear whatever they have for me, ok enough about me. So Nudee tell us about you, what are you doing."

Nudee smiled and replied, "Well, I'm a professional football player, and I currently live and play in the UK. It's a tough sport, but I love the thrill of it. Aside from football, I enjoy exploring new places and meeting people from different backgrounds. And, of course, I'm here now to enjoy some good time with my sister which i rarely see."

Their laughter and stories filled the café, blending with the aroma of coffee and the chatter of other patrons. In that moment, Charlotte, Haidi, Marima, and Nudee shared more than just coffee; they exchanged pieces of themselves, building a deeper connection, and setting the stage for their newfound friendship.


First of all guys I am not a native english speaker. So sorry for any mistakes. And secondly can you let me know are you guys interesting about the story. Honestly I need a feedback, that way I will find interest to write as well. Have a good day guys.

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