Chapter 30

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A month had drifted away since Charlotte's return to England. Despite the vast distance that separated them, the love between her and Engfa only deepened with each passing day. Engfa was in Thailand, immersed in her superstar life, while Charlotte juggled her busy schedule as a lawyer. Their relationship, once confined to phone calls and texts, had become an anchor in the whirlwind of their lives.

One day, after a TV program was broadcast online, Charlotte found herself feeling a pang of jealousy seeing Engfa being sweet with another woman, a guest on the show.

Char (jealous): "You enjoyed flirting with Jenny..."

Engfa (playful): "What... what are you talking about, Nu?"

Char (feigning jealousy): "I saw the video clips."

Engfa (teasing): "She's fun and sweet... I would love to meet her again."

Char (firmly): "Don't you dare... I'll come to Thailand and kiss you in front of all of them... you are mine."

Engfa (smirking): "Oh, baby, you're angry... you know it's just enjoying the moment... there's no one in the world who can come between us."

Char (pouting): "Still... you shouldn't have acted like that."

Engfa (affectionate): "I was just being nice... baby, don't you trust me?"

Char (softening): "No, I just don't trust them."

Engfa (tenderly): "Doesn't matter who comes my way, I am yours."

Their playful banter, woven with love and trust, melted Charlotte's jealousy away. Engfa's patience and understanding always managed to calm Charlotte's fears, deepening their connection even further.

In a live stream, Engfa invited Charlotte to go live on Instagram, allowing their fans to catch a glimpse of their relationship. Fans adored this sweet couple, enchanted by the love that radiated between them. Even in the face of negative comments, the majority of Engfa's fans embraced Charlotte because they saw the happiness she brought to Engfa's life.

Finally, the day came when Engfa flew to England, reuniting with Charlotte after a month of separation. They had planned this vacation for a long time, eager to spend quality time together.

In England, they explored new places hand in hand, sharing laughter, creating memories, and deepening their love. Each moment became a cherished memory, etched in their hearts.

One evening, they had a candlelit dinner at Charlotte's apartment. The atmosphere was warm and intimate, the flickering candles casting a soft glow on their faces. The table was adorned with Charlotte's favorite flowers, and the aroma of their favorite dishes filled the air.

After dinner, as Engfa washed the dishes, Charlotte prepared their movie night setup. She carefully chose a film on Netflix, arranged blankets on the couch, and made popcorn. Patiently waiting, she smiled as Engfa joined her, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of love and contentment.

Engfa (gratefully): "Thank you for preparing all this, Nu. You make everything special."

Char (gently): "I want every moment with you to be special, P'Fa. You're my greatest adventure."

As they settled in to watch the movie, Engfa wrapped an arm around Charlotte, pulling her closer. The room was filled with the soft glow of the screen, the scent of popcorn, and the palpable love that enveloped them.

Engfa (whispering): "I love you, Nu. I love you more than words can express. You are my heart and soul."

Char (softly): "And you, P'Fa, you are my love, my everything. I promise to stand by you, through every storm and every joy."

After these heartfelt words, Engfa moved closer to Charlotte, capturing her trembling lips in a gentle kiss. At first, it was sweet and tender, a soft exchange of affection. But as the seconds passed, the kiss deepened, igniting a fire between them. Engfa, unable to resist the pull of desire, pulled Charlotte onto her lap.

Lost in the heat of the moment, their kisses grew passionate, each touch sending shivers down their spines. Engfa's lips traced a trail across Charlotte's face, her breath warm against her skin. Charlotte's breaths deepened, every movement of her lover sending waves of desire through her. Their connection, electric and undeniable, left them both breathless, their souls entwined in the passionate dance of their love.

In the height of their passion, Engfa's fervent gaze met Charlotte's, and with a mixture of desire and reverence, she gently guided Charlotte to step down from her lap. Their eyes remained locked, speaking volumes in a language that transcended words. Silently, Engfa took Charlotte's hand and led her to the bedroom, the air thick with anticipation, as if the very atmosphere recognized the sacredness of the moment.

Closing the door behind them, they entered this intimate sanctuary where their love could flourish without inhibition. Engfa, her eyes never leaving Charlotte's, carefully guided her to the bed. With a tender yet intense gaze, Engfa climbed on top of her lover, their connection profound and unyielding, a testament to their love.

Engfa's voice, a soft whisper laden with desire, filled the room. "Baby..."

Charlotte responded with a gentle hum, her eyes mirroring Engfa's intensity.

Engfa continued to hold Charlotte's gaze, her words dripping with passion and tenderness. "I want to make love to you," she confessed, seeking consent and understanding in the depths of Charlotte's eyes. "Are you ready, or do you want to wait a little longer?"

Charlotte, her eyes reflecting both anticipation and love, nodded slowly. "I want it, baby," she murmured softly, her voice filled with longing. "I want to experience everything with you." Every word carried the weight of her desire, a testament to her patience and unwavering love for Engfa.

In the soft glow of the room, their kisses deepened, each touch and caress communicating their love. Engfa's hands, tender and deliberate, explored the curves of Charlotte's body, and in response, Charlotte reciprocated, her hands finding solace in the warmth of Engfa's embrace.

Their connection deepened further as their bodies melded together on the bed. In this moment, their love was both passionate and gentle, a harmonious blend of desire and tenderness. Engfa's touch conveyed adoration, and Charlotte, overwhelmed by her feelings, mirrored the sentiment. Their physical connection mirrored the depth of their emotional bond, a profound union of hearts and souls.

With every touch, Engfa whispered promises of eternal devotion between their heated kisses, reaffirming their love. Their bodies intertwined, they surrendered to the powerful currents of desire, allowing their love to guide them. Their passion peaked, and in each other's arms, they found solace, fulfillment, and a love that knew no bounds.

After their loving moment, they lay close, their hearts full of affection. The room was quiet, filled only with their peaceful breathing. Their eyes met, saying more than words ever could. It was a promise, a silent agreement that their love story was just beginning.

Held in a warm embrace, they shared gentle words, their voices soft and true. Their hearts beat in harmony, echoing their shared dreams. Their love was more than just physical; it was a safe haven, where they found comfort and understanding.

In this instant, they weren't just two people; they were one, deeply connected. Their love was a guiding light, showing the way forward. Each whispered word and every shared heartbeat confirmed their commitment. Engfa gently kissed the temple of Charlotte's head, reassuring her love. They knew they were meant to face life's journey together, their love unbreakable and everlasting.

********************THE END*********************

Hey everyone, we've reached the end! 🥳 Thanks to those who kept me going and supported me throughout this story.

Big thanks to all the readers! This is my first attempt on Wattpad, in a global platform. There might be mistakes in handling the language, since I'm not a native speaker. Your support and reaching the final chapter mean a lot to me. Thank you for being part of this journey! 😊

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