Chapter 11

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After successfully concluding her tour in the USA, Engfa found herself heading to the Philippines for another round of concerts. The day before her first performance, she had an interview scheduled with a well-known local journalist, Grace.

As Engfa entered the cozy studio in the Philippines for her interview, she was greeted by Grace, an experienced and friendly interviewer, with a warm smile.

Grace: "Engfa, it's absolutely fantastic to have you here in the Philippines! Let's dive right in with your early career. Could you tell us about your journey to stardom?"

Engfa: "Well, it all started with a dream and a ton of hard work. I mean, I was basically singing before I could even talk! But the real game-changer was winning a local singing competition. That's when I thought, 'Hey, maybe I'm not half bad at this!'"

Grace: "That's awesome! And you've been on fire lately. Tell us about your recent achievements."

Engfa: (With a twinkle in her eye) "Oh, you know, just performing on some of the world's biggest stages, rubbing shoulders with musical legends, and recently, bagging the Best Female Artist award at the Global Music Awards. No biggie."

Grace: "Impressive, indeed! Now, let's get to the good stuff. Your fans are not only interested in your music but also your personal life. Can you spill the beans on your current relationship status?"

Engfa: (Chuckling) "Ah, the relationship status question! Well, Grace, right now, my relationship status is 'In a committed relationship with my music.' My career keeps me busier than a beehive in summer, so I haven't exactly been doing the whole dating thing."

Grace: (Playfully) "So, are you telling us you're married to your music?"

Engfa: (Laughing) "You could say that! But hey, who needs a significant other when you've got your fans, right?"

Grace: "True, true! But we've heard some rumors about your carefree approach to relationships in the past. What's your take on that?"

Engfa: "Well, Grace, life's too short to be too serious about everything, right? I've always believed in living in the moment, and sometimes, that means connecting with some pretty amazing people. But, of course, I always play it safe and respect everyone's boundaries."

Grace: "You've got a fantastic perspective on life, Engfa. Now, tell us, what exciting projects can your fans look forward to in the future?"

Engfa: (Excitedly) "Oh, we're just getting started! There's a whole treasure chest of new music I'm working on. Plus, I've got some super cool collaborations in the pipeline that'll blow everyone's minds. My fans can expect more of me and my music, no matter where they are in the world. It's going to be a wild ride!"

The interview was not just informative but also sprinkled with Engfa's carefree spirit, making it a fun and engaging conversation that left the audience eager for more.


On the day of Engfa's final concert in the Philippines, someone unexpected showed up. Pitchy, a famous model in the Philippines and a friend from the entertainment industry, had decided to attend the concert. There had been rumors about their involvement, but the truth was they were just friends who occasionally shared very private moments together.

As Engfa took the stage, the audience went wild, and the atmosphere was electric. Seeing Pitchy in the audience, the fans couldn't contain their excitement. They started speculating about their relationship and snapped photos of the two together.

Charlotte, still following Engfa's journey from afar, stumbled upon the photos and headlines online. Her heart sank as she saw Engfa and Pitchy's interactions, their smiles, and the way they seemed so comfortable with each other.

Charlotte: (Whispering to herself) "Not again..."


Two weeks had passed since Engfa's return to Thailand, and her longing to see Charlotte had grown insuppressible. Finally, she decided to visit the café where Charlotte worked. As she entered, her eyes sought out Charlotte behind the counter.

Engfa: (Nervously) "Hi, Charlotte."

Charlotte looked up, acknowledging Engfa's presence, but her expression remained guarded as she continued preparing a customer's order.

Engfa: (Awkwardly) "I've been away for so long. I really wanted to see you."

Charlotte didn't respond, her focus on the coffee machine. The silence hung heavy in the air.

Engfa: (Uncertainly) "I hope you've been well."

Charlotte decided to step away from the coffee machine and retreated to a quieter corner of the café where fewer people were gathered. Engfa silently followed her, keeping a respectful distance. Their unspoken understanding was clear – the emotions between them were complex, and they needed space to figure things out.

Charlotte finally spoke, her voice laced with a mix of hurt and frustration.

Charlotte: (Angrily) "Well? You've been all over the place, Engfa. First the USA, then the Philippines, and now these rumors with Pitchy. You think I am another toy to you, which you can play and through away. Well, sorry for disappoint you Engfa, you can't buy me with your superstar image."

Engfa was taken aback by Charlotte's sudden outburst and her mention of Pitchy.

Engfa: (Confused) "Pitchy? Charlotte, what are you talking about? Pitchy and I are just friends. You're the one I care about."

Charlotte's eyes welled up with tears, and she couldn't hide her pain.

Charlotte: (Tearfully) "It's not just about Pitchy, Engfa. It's about everything. You're always so carefree, and it hurts."

Engfa realized that Charlotte had misunderstood her intentions. She stepped closer to Charlotte, attempting to bridge the growing emotional gap between them.

Engfa: (Softly) "Charlotte, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I may seem carefree, but there's so much more to it. I care about you deeply, more than you know."

Charlotte remained silent, her actions speaking louder than words. She continued working, but Engfa could sense that their connection had been strained by misunderstanding and jealousy.

Charlotte met Engfa's eyes, her anger slowly melting into vulnerability.

Charlotte: (Whispering) "I don't know what to believe anymore."

Engfa: (Gently) "Believe that I want to make things right, Charlotte. Let me in."

Charlotte: (Very confusing) "I have a boyfriend"

Engfa: (with sad impression) "I know"

Charlotte: "He is a good person, I can't break his heart"

Engfa's heart ached as she looked at Charlotte, who couldn't bring herself to meet Engfa's eyes. The weight of the unspoken words hung heavy in the air.

Engfa: (Softly) "Do you love him, Charlotte?"

Charlotte kept her gaze down, tears welling up in her eyes. She was afraid of the answer she might have to give.

Engfa: (Tenderly) "Look at me, baby."

Charlotte's eyes met Engfa's, and the vulnerability in her gaze was heartbreaking.

Charlotte: (Whispering) "Leave me, Engfa."

Engfa's own eyes began to fill with tears, and her voice trembled as she responded.

Engfa: (Emotionally) "You always say to leave you when I don't want to."

The pain in their unspoken words hung heavily between them. Suddenly, Charlotte's phone chimed with a message from Mark. She looked at it, her voice a hushed whisper.

Charlotte: (In a hushed voice) "My boyfriend is coming now. Can you please leave?"

Engfa felt a pang of sorrow as she nodded, realizing that their conversation was being cut short by the arrival of Mark. She turned to leave, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.

Engfa: (Softly) "Alright, Charlotte. Take care."

As Engfa walked away from the café, the weight of their complex feelings lingered, leaving both women in a state of emotional turmoil.

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