Chapter 20

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Engfa and Charlotte were swept up in their busy lives. Despite the chaos, they managed to find time for each other, valuing the connection they shared. Charlotte started her internship at a prestigious law firm, diving into the world of law. Engfa, on the other hand, was engulfed in her music and endorsements, always in the spotlight.

Engfa's fame and public attention made it hard for them to meet in person. Still, they persisted, finding comfort in their virtual conversations and quick phone calls.

Engfa confided in Tina, her friend, about her growing feelings for Charlotte. Tina, understanding and supportive, stood by Engfa, aware of the delicate situation. Pitchy, unaware of the real situation, kept trying to maintain her fake relationship with Engfa. She attempted to reach Engfa, but her calls were often left unanswered.

One day, after numerous ignored calls, Engfa finally picked up Pitchy's call, her tone firm.

Pitchy (angry): "Finally decided to pick up, huh? Do you even realize how I feel? I'm your girlfriend, Engfa."

Engfa (calmly): "Pitchy, I've been busy. I don't have time for unnecessary drama. And most importantly we are Fake Girlfriends, not Real"

Piychy(emotionally): “You know how I am feeling for you and you still doing this to me..
Anyway, I'm coming to Thailand.”

Engfa-(surprised): " You come? ..Why?

Pitchy- “For your birthday Engfa. I am your girlfriend, so I have to be in the party. Fans expect us to be together.

Engfa (panicking): "I'm not sure if that's a good idea, Pitchy. Our relationship isn't real. It's not fair to involve you."

Pitchy (defiant): "Tell that to your management. They want me to come. So unless otherwise they cancel it, I am going to come whether you are happy or not.."

Engfa had planned the birthday party, inviting Charlotte and her friends without the slightest knowledge that Pitchy would be present. The unexpected turn of events left Engfa in a difficult situation. She was torn between her commitment to her fans and the feelings she harbored for Charlotte. Engfa dreaded the idea of hurting Charlotte, but she felt powerless in the face of the demands placed upon her as a public figure. The need to maintain appearances for her fans and the press weighed heavily on her, forcing her into a situation she couldn't control.


On the day of the party, anticipation buzzed in the air. Charlotte arrived at the venue with Heidi and Marima, dressed elegantly and she didn’t have a clue that Pitchy would be here too. Engfa didn’t mention anything about it. Charlotte's face is very happy, she is eager to see Engfa. Suddenly, Engfa and Pitchy entered hand in hand, their matching outfits capturing the attention of onlookers.

Fans went wild, seeing their beloved idol in a seemingly blissful relationship. Engfa scans the room, searching for Charlotte, but can not find her as the hall is filled with people. Seeing Engfa with Pitchy, makes Chalotte’s heart break, but she trusts Engfa. So she promised to herself be calm and understanding.

Pitchy, driven by a desire to establish her importance, tightly held onto Engfa throughout the event. This possessive behavior made it incredibly difficult for Engfa to find an opportunity to distance herself from Pitchy and talk to Charlotte. Engfa felt trapped, unable to escape Pitchy's grasp and have a private conversation with the person who truly mattered to her at that moment.

Engfa confidently stepped onto the stage, delivering a mesmerizing performance that held the audience spellbound. While Engfa was on stage, Pitchy closely watched her every move, exhibiting possessive body language that didn't go unnoticed by the people present. During interviews, a curious reporter dug into the depths of their relationship, asking, "What does it feel like to have the most beautiful woman in the world as your girlfriend?" Pitchy responded with a charming smile, her gaze fixed intensely on Engfa, "It's truly wonderful. The Engfa you see in public is just a facade; the real her, the one I get to see, is completely different. And that side, well, it's something only I get to experience. Right, baby?" Engfa found herself at a loss for words, simply nodding in response, unsure of how to react. Pitchy expertly acted as Engfa's girlfriend, making their fake relationship seem real to everyone.

Charlotte, watching from a distance, felt heartbroken. Her friends, aware of her pain, urged her to leave.

Marima: "It's late; we should go."

Charlotte: "No, I haven't wished her a happy birthday yet. And I need to give this." said, holding onto her gift tightly, determined to stay.

Heidi: "You're getting hurt, Charlotte. It's better to leave. Engfa didn't even bother to come to you."

Charlotte: "She can't come when Pitchy is glued to her, right?"

Marima: "Are you really falling for this woman, Isn’t it Charlotte?"

Charlotte: "At least let me go to her and give the present."

The three friends made their way to Engfa, who was talking to some guests while holding Pitchy's hand.

They approached Engfa. Both Pitchy and Engfa's eyes were on the three friends. Pitchy smiled at the group, recognizing Heidi from work.

Heidi: "Happy birthday, Engfa." She handed over her gift."

Engfa looked at Charlotte, who avoided her gaze.

Engfa: "Thank you, Heidi. You didn't need to get me a gift. Thank you for being here."

Marima also gave her gift and wished Engfa a happy birthday.

Finally, it was Charlotte's turn. She handed over the present without making eye contact with Engfa. Her voice wavered as she offered her birthday wishes.

Charlotte (barely audible): "Happy birthday, Engfa."

Engfa immediately sensed the pain in Charlotte's voice. She realized that Charlotte was hurt as she referred to her as "Engfa" and not "P'Fa." Despite this, Engfa had to act casually as Pitchy was next to her, and the media was watching their every move.

Engfa (directly looking at Charlotte's eyes, softly): "Thank you, Charlotte. Thank you for being here. I was thinking of coming to you…"

Engfa tried to continue, but she was interrupted by Pitchy.

Pitchy: "So you guys are Engfa's friends, right?. She talks a lot about you… Heidi, it's nice to see you."

Heidi, sensing Charlotte's discomfort with the situation, chimed in, "Hey, Pitchy, it's nice to see you too. When did you come to Thailand?"

Pitchy (smiling): "I came yesterday. I couldn't miss my girlfriend's most important day, right? After all, this is the first birthday we're celebrating as a couple."

As the conversation unfolded, Charlotte's eyes welled up with tears, her distress becoming more evident with each passing moment. Engfa keenly noticed Charlotte's unease, her heart aching for her, but she felt utterly helpless in the face of the situation. She attempted to steal glances at Charlotte, hoping to convey some reassurance, but Charlotte kept her gaze fixed downward, unable to meet Engfa's eyes.

Sensing the growing discomfort, Marima intervened, her voice laced with concern, "Engfa, it's getting late. We should head back. Once again, happy birthday..."

With gentle yet firm hands, Charlotte's two best friends led her away, giving Engfa a chance to say goodbye. Engfa stood there, her body tense, her eyes following Charlotte until she disappeared into the crowd. A deep sense of longing and helplessness settled within her.

Engfa stood still, torn between her desire to comfort Charlotte and the pressure from the crowd and media. She felt empty like a part of her was missing. She tried to appear happy at the party, but her eyes revealed her inner turmoil. Her smiles were forced, and her laughter lacked genuine joy. The party noises faded away as she couldn't stop thinking about Charlotte.

Pitchy noticed Engfa's change in behavior. Engfa seemed distant, her interactions forced, and her smiles lacked warmth. There was a noticeable tension in the air, a shift in Engfa's energy that couldn't be ignored.

Despite being at the party, Engfa's thoughts were with Charlotte. She desperately wanted to be close to her, feeling the growing distance between them. Engfa's longing for Charlotte grew stronger as the night passed, making her impatient to leave the party and find comfort in Charlotte's presence.

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