Chapter 28

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Under the vast canvas of the night sky, Charlotte rested her head gently on Engfa's shoulder, her eyes fixed on the twinkling stars above.

Char: "You know, for the past five years, I used to talk to the stars as if they were you. Whenever I felt a pang of longing, I found solace in our imaginary conversations. You were the brightest star in my night sky." She pointed to a particularly radiant star, her voice filled with tenderness.

Engfa, her eyes soft with affection, asked, "Did you miss me all this time? I thought maybe you'd forget about me."

Char: "How could I ever forget you, P'Fa? You're the person I fell for the hardest. The moment I realized my feelings for you, I understood that no one else could claim my heart. I tried to forget you, but I never succeeded."

Engfa turned to look at Charlotte, her gaze filled with intensity as she spoke, "Remember the day you released my hand in your apartment? When we said our final goodbye... Honestly, in that moment, my world shattered, baby. It felt like I had lost a piece of my own heart."

Their whispers grew softer, more intimate, as they shared the depths of their emotions, each word a testament to the profound connection they shared.

Time seemed to slip away, unnoticed, until Engfa gently nudged Charlotte.

Engfa: "Baby..."

Char: "Hmm?"

Engfa: "We've been out here for a long time. We need to go back inside."

Char: "I don't want to..."

Engfa: "I don't want to leave either, Nu. But everyone must be searching for us."

Stubbornly, Charlotte clung to Engfa's hand, refusing to let go.

Char: "I want to stay with you, right here. I don't want to go inside. Can't we just stay a little longer?"

Engfa, understanding the depth of Charlotte's desire, held her close.

Engfa: "I wish we could, Nu, but we can't stay out here forever. We'll have more moments like this, I promise. Let me walk you inside, and then we can find more moments together."

Then with a mischievous smile, Charlotte asked, "Can I have another kiss? Then we can go back..."

Engfa, her eyes sparkling with love, leaned in for another lingering kiss, sealing their shared moment.

As they finally stood, hand in hand, Engfa faced Charlotte, her expression tender yet determined.

Engfa: "Let's go back together, Nu. They might see us, but I don't care anymore. I want everyone to know that you're mine, that you're my woman. I don't want to hide our love."

Charlotte hesitated, her heart torn between the fear of how Nudee act and the desire to be with Engfa openly.

Char: "Give me a little time, P'Fa. There's something I need to do..."

Engfa, understanding the weight of Charlotte's unspoken concerns, nodded.

With those words, they reluctantly separated.

Inside, Engfa and Charlotte exchanged stolen glances, their eyes speaking volumes, even in the midst of a crowded room. Engfa's gaze was filled with unwavering love and a promise of forever, while Charlotte's eyes mirrored her emotions, a mix of longing and anticipation.

Marima and Heidi noticed the change in their dynamics, the unspoken connection that seemed to hum in the air around them. Their smiles widened, knowing that their dear friend had found the love she had been searching for.

However, Nudee, perceptive and curious, couldn't ignore the change in the air. She approached Charlotte cautiously.

Nudee: "Char, something feels different. What's going on between you and my sister?"

Charlotte: "Nudee, there's something important I need to tell you... but I need you to promise that you'll try to understand."

Just as Charlotte was about to divulge her the truth, one of Nudee's friends approached, interrupting their conversation and whisking Nudee away to the dance floor. Charlotte's heart sank; the opportunity to confide in Nudee slipped through her fingers. Worried and torn between her feelings for Engfa and truth about their relationship, Charlotte felt a growing sense of urgency to have that conversation.

In the hushed corners of the house, away from prying eyes, Engfa pulled Charlotte again into a quiet sanctuary, unaware of the watchful gaze of Nudee, who observed their sweet moments, unraveling the truth of their relationship.

Engfa gently cupped Charlotte's face, her touch like a tender caress of reassurance, and Charlotte leaned into it, her eyes reflecting both vulnerability and trust.

Engfa (whispering): "Nu, we can't hide our love forever. I want the world to see us, to witness the depth of my feelings for you. I want to hold your hand openly, kiss you without fear, and show everyone that you're the one my heart beats for."

Charlotte, her gaze softening, hesitated before speaking.

Char (softly): "I want that too, P'Fa. But there's something important I need to do first. Can you give me a little more time before we reveal us to the world?"

Engfa, understanding the complexity of Charlotte's emotions, nodded in silent agreement, her eyes reflecting unwavering support.

Engfa (with understanding): "Can we at least tell our closest ones, Nu? Their genuine happiness will support us."

Charlotte nodded, promising, "Before I leave for England, we'll tell them."

Engfa nodded back, her eyes filled with patience and love.

Engfa (sincerely): "I'll wait for as long as you need. Just promise me that when the time comes, we'll take this step together, openly and fearlessly."

Charlotte (assuredly): "I promise, P'Fa. I love you, and I want the world to know that you're mine, just as much as I am yours."

Later that night, Nudee approached Charlotte, her eyes reflecting the hurt of witnessing her sister's affection for Charlotte. Truthfully, at this moment she didn't know what to feel anymore.

Char (surprised): "Hey, I was looking for you."

Nudee, her expression a mix of pain and determination, met Charlotte's gaze ignoring the question.

Nudee: "My sister is the reason you stepped down my  feelings for you."

Char (caught off guard): "I... Nudee, I..."

Nudee (firmly): "How long has this been going on?"

Char (with conviction): "Ever since I met her at her concert, a long time ago. But we never had the chance to act on our feelings, Nudee. That's why I never told you. But she has always been in my heart."

Nudee (softening): "Did she make you happy?"

Char (smiling): "Yes, just thinking of her makes me happy."

Nudee (pleadingly): "Please, don't hurt my sister, Charlotte. She's the only person I have. She deserves all the best things in the world. Please, protect her heart."

Char (determined): "You don't have to ask, Nudee. She is my world too."

Silence embraced them, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air.

Char (decisively): "I am going to tell her what happened between us."

Nudee (sighing): "Yeah, I know. I hope she will understand and not hate me."

Char (assuringly): "I'm sure she will understand. She loves you."

With that, Nudee walked away from Charlotte, making a silent vow to let go of her feelings for her best friend. She comprehended the profound connection between Charlotte and Engfa and accepted that her chance with Charlotte was lost. More importantly, she wanted her sister to be happy, even if that happiness came from Charlotte.

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