Chapter 6

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Inside Engfa's penthouse, the atmosphere was cozy, the city lights outside casting a warm glow. Engfa and Nudee sat on the plush couch, sipping wine, and catching up on the past few months.

Nudee: (Sipping wine) "It's been too long, big sis. I missed you."

Engfa: (Smiling) "I missed you too, Nudee. I've been caught up in work, but tonight was special. Having you at the concert meant the world to me."

Nudee: (Grateful) "I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Your performance was incredible."

Engfa remember her disagreement in UK when she left a few months ago. She want to clear things with Nudee as she regretting that argument very deeply.

Engfa: (Reflective) "You know, Nudee, I've been living a life without attachments, without the complications of relationships. It's been easier that way."

Nudee: (Understanding) "I get it, Engfa. You've been hurt before, and you're protecting yourself. But sometimes, the right person can make all the difference."

Engfa: (Thoughtful) "That's true. But it's also scary. I've been so focused on my career; I don't even know if I remember how to be in a relationship."

Nudee: (Reassuring) "You'll figure it out when the time is right, sis. Just follow your heart."

As the night wore on, they continued to talk, but Engfa couldn't shake the memory of Charlotte's gaze at the concert. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and it made her uneasy. She tried to push the thought aside as she and Nudee eventually went to sleep.


Meanwhile, in another corner of the city, Charlotte lay in her bed, unable to sleep. Her mind was consumed by thoughts of Engfa, the superstar who had left a deep impression on her. She replayed their brief encounter in her mind, trying to make sense of the connection she had felt.

**Flash back to the car ride they had earlier**

Haidi: (Concerned) "Charlotte, you've been really quiet since the concert. Is something bothering you?"

Marima: "Yeah, you seem lost in thought. You can talk to us, you know."

Charlotte: "Oh, it's just that...I'm not used to big concerts like that. It was overwhelming."

Haidi: "Come on, Charlotte, it's more than that. We know you."

Marima: (Caring) "If something's on your mind, we're here for you."

Charlotte: (Hesitant) "I appreciate it, really. But it's just...I don't even know how to explain it. Maybe I'm just tired."

With that, Charlotte managed to deflect their questions, but her heart remained heavy with confusion about Engfa and the unexpected connection they had shared.


The next morning, it was back to the routine for Charlotte. She headed to university, and hangout with Mark, who had a crush on her.

Mark: (Smiling) "Hey, Charlotte! How was your weekend? I heard you went to that Engfa Waraha concert."

Charlotte: "Yeah, it was quite an experience. Engfa is amazing live."

Mark: "I've been meaning to ask you something, Charlotte. Would you like to grab a coffee with me this weekend?"

Charlotte: (Surprised) "Oh, um, sure, Mark. Coffee sounds nice."

Mark: (Excited) "Great! I'll text you the details. Looking forward to it."

As they parted ways, Charlotte couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She had agreed to a date with Mark, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Engfa and the unanswered questions that lingered in her mind.

The week flew by for Charlotte as she immersed herself in her studies and her part-time job at the café. Engfa's memory had faded into the background, replaced by the demands of her everyday life. But now, the weekend had arrived, and she was getting ready for her coffee date with Mark.

As Charlotte put on her favorite outfit and did a final check in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Mark was a friendly and likable guy, and she was looking forward to getting to know him better.

Just as she was about to head out the door, her phone buzzed with a message from Mark.

Mark: "Hey Charlotte, I'm here. I'll be waiting for you outside your place. Can't wait to see you!"

Charlotte smiled and replied, "I'll be right there!"


As Charlotte stepped out of her apartment building, she spotted Mark waiting by his car. He greeted her with a warm smile, and they exchanged a friendly hug before getting into the car.

Mark: "You look great, Charlotte. Ready for go?"

Charlotte: (Smiling) "Absolutely, Mark. Let's do this."

They drove to a café in town, finding a quiet corner where they could talk. Over cups of coffee and pastries, they delved into a wide range of topics, their conversation flowing effortlessly.

Mark: "So, Charlotte, tell me more about yourself. What are your hobbies and passions?"

Charlotte: "Well, I love reading and writing.Actually I got interest because of Marima, you know my best friend, she is a writer herself. So, I'm actually working on a short story in my free time. And I'm a bit of a foodie, so trying out new restaurants is a favorite pastime."

Mark: (Interested) "That's cool. What kind of stories do you like to write?"

Charlotte: (Thoughtful) "I enjoy exploring different genres, but lately, I've been drawn to romantic fiction. There's something magical about the way love stories unfold."

Mark: (Smiling) "I agree. Love stories can be incredibly captivating. Speaking of which, have you ever had a particularly memorable romantic experience?"

Charlotte: (Blushing) "Oh, um, not really. I've had a relationship at past, but nothing too dramatic."

Mark: "Well, there's always room for new experiences, right?"

Hours later, Mark drove Charlotte back to her apartment building. They exchanged smiles and pleasant goodbyes, both clearly having enjoyed their time together.

Mark: "Charlotte, I had a wonderful time. I'd love to do this again. Can I take you out on a second date?"

Charlotte: (Happily surprised) "I'd really like that, Mark. Yes, let's plan another outing."

They said their goodbyes, and as Charlotte entered her apartment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. It had been a long time since she had been on such a enjoyable date, and she was looking forward to seeing where this connection with Mark might lead.


Later that evening, Charlotte had a video call with her two best friends, Haidi and Marima. She couldn't wait to share the details of her date.

Haidi: (Excited) "Charlotte, spill the beans! How was your date with Mark?"

Charlotte: "It was really great, Haidi. Mark is such a nice guy, and we had a fantastic time. We're even planning a second date."

Marima: "That's wonderful, Charlotte. It sounds like you had a lot of fun."

Charlotte: "I did, and it's been a while since I felt this way about someone."

Haidi: (Teasing) "Sounds like you've got a little spring in your step, Charlotte."

Charlotte: (Laughing) "Maybe just a little."

As they continued to chat, Charlotte felt grateful for her friends' support and couldn't help but wonder what the future held.

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