Chapter 10

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Engfa was working hard, getting ready for her upcoming tour. Her vocal coach pushed her to sing her best, making sure her performances would be amazing. During a break, Engfa often talked with Tina.

Engfa: (Taking a breath) "These rehearsals are tough! But I have to give my best for my fans."

Tina: "You're doing great, Engfa. Your fans will love it. But remember to take breaks and relax a bit."

While chatting with Engfa, Tina couldn't help but feel a sense of concern about her friend's personal life.

Tina:(Curious) "Engfa, what's going on with the girl we met at the gala?"

Engfa: (Hesitant) "Which girl?"

Tina: "You know who I'm talking about, Eng. What's her name?"

Engfa: (Carefully) "Charlotte."

Tina: "What's the story there?"

Engfa: "I don't know, Tina. She's making me feel things I shouldn't."

Tina: "Are you two talking?"

Engfa:"Not much, honestly."

Tina: "Don't worry, Engfa. You'll figure it out. And remember, you can fall in love again, you know?"

Engfa didn't respond, her mind filled with uncertainty.

During her breaks, thoughts of Charlotte kept flooding Engfa's mind. Memories of their unexpected meetings and the mysterious connection they shared continued to replay.

In the evening, after an exhausting day of practice, Engfa decided to do a live stream to connect with her fans. She talked about her day, the challenging practice sessions, and shared some amusing stories. Her fans loved her honesty, and they sent her many encouraging messages.

Engfa: (Smiling) "You all make the hard work worthwhile. Thank you for always being there for me."

Meanwhile, at the university cafeteria, Charlotte sat at a corner table, her eyes fixed on her phone, waiting for Mark. They were supposed to meet his friends today. As she scrolled through her messages, Mark suddenly appeared, leaning in to give her a warm kiss.

Mark: (Smiling) "Hey there, beautiful. Ready to meet my friends?"

Charlotte: (Returning the smile) "Of course, Mark. I'm looking forward to it."

As they sipped on their coffees, Mark started talking about their plans for the day, enthusiastically describing his friends and the fun they would have. He noticed Charlotte's distant look.

Mark: (Concerned) "Is something on your mind, Charlotte? You seem a bit distracted."

Charlotte: (Sighing) "It's just... I can't stop thinking about something, Mark. Something that's been bothering me."

Mark: "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? What's bothering you?"

Charlotte hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to put her feelings into words.

Charlotte: (Softly) "It's about someone I met recently. Someone who's been on my mind a lot. I can't explain it; it's just... confusing."

Mark furrowed his brow, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his eyes.

Mark: "Someone you met? Charlotte, you know you can tell me about it. We trust each other, don't we?"

Charlotte looked into Mark's eyes, appreciating his understanding nature. She knew she had to share her feelings with him eventually, but right now, it felt complicated.

Charlotte:(Sincere) "You're right, Mark. I just need some time to figure things out in my head. Let's enjoy today with your friends."

Mark nodded, offering her a reassuring smile, and they continued their conversation about the day's plans, trying to put aside the complexities for now.

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