Chapter 23

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It had been five years since they had stepped out of each other's lives. In these years, many things had changed.

After their fake relationship, Engfa and Pitchy decided to give it a real shot. Engfa, shattered after Charlotte's departure, found solace in Pitchy. Although Charlotte was the one who had truly captured her heart, Engfa tried to bury the past. Pitchy, not a bad person, made Engfa consider a genuine relationship. They gave it their all, but in the end, after three years, they mutually separated. It was a heartbreak not just for them but for their fans too, who were unprepared for the news.

Engfa's popularity soared during these five years. She won major awards in the music industry, collaborated with international legends, completed successful tours, and released albums. She became the voice of Thailand, adored by people. Despite her breakup, she maintained her status, a testament to her talent, determination, and humility. Engfa was a goddess, kind-hearted and loved by all. After her breakup with Pitchy, she didn't date anyone, waiting patiently for the right person to come into her life. When asked about her relationship status in interviews, she always said, "I am waiting for the right person. I am no longer a teenager who can act recklessly. If I enter a relationship again, it will be my last and forever. So, I am going to be patient and wait for the right person to come into my heart." Only Tina knew what Engfa meant from her statement. For the past few years, Engfa kept her promise to herself, quitting her drinking addiction and playful nature, which everyone around her was relieved about.

On the other hand, Charlotte received a scholarship to the UK shortly after her incident with Engfa. Initially, her friends were hesitant about the idea, fearing sending her miles away alone. But they realized everything in Thailand reminded Charlotte of Engfa, making it difficult for her to heal her heart. So they supported her decision, allowing her to go while backing her every step of the way, never isolating her, even from a distance.

In the UK, Charlotte pursued advanced legal studies, specializing in international law and human rights. Excelling in her studies, she engaged in impactful research and participated in various legal and human rights initiatives. After completing her studies, she settled in the UK, beginning her career at a prestigious international law firm in London. Her focus was on cases related to human rights violations, refugee rights, and international humanitarian law. Charlotte became a respected advocate for justice, fighting tirelessly for the rights of vulnerable populations.

While she found fulfillment in her work, her personal life remained a mystery to her friends, especially when it came to dating. Marima and Heidi often prodded her about her love life, but Charlotte's responses were always vague.

One evening, when both of her friends visited her in London, Marima couldn't resist asking the question that had been on her mind.

Marima (curious): "Charlotte, you've been in London for years now. Have you ever thought about dating someone?"

Charlotte (smiling): "I've been focused on my studies and work, Marima. Dating just hasn't been a priority."

Heidi (teasingly): "Come on, Char, you're young and beautiful. You deserve to have some fun too!"

Charlotte (playfully rolling her eyes): "I appreciate the concern, but I'm content with where I am right now. When the right person comes along, I'll know."

Nudee (intrigued): "But have you ever met someone who made you think, 'Hmm, maybe?'"

Charlotte (blushing slightly): "Well, there was someone I met a while ago, but it didn't really go anywhere. I guess I haven't met the right person yet."

Marima (supportive): "Just take your time, Char. When the time is right, love will find you."

Two years after settling down in England, Charlotte met Nudee in London. Their unexpected encounter led to an instant friendship. They both became best friends. But Charlotte never revealed to Nudee what had happened with Engfa. Engfa also knew her sister's and Charlotte's friendship developed, but she never mentioned anything about their romantic involvement to Nudee. It was like both Engfa and Charlotte maintained a silent agreement to leave the past behind.

One day, Engfa and Nudee had a conversation. Nudee couldn't help but bring up the topic that had been lingering between them, yet unspoken.

Nudee (curious): "Engfa, you've never really talked about your past relationships. I am not talking about Pitchy. I know everything about youtwo. And honestly I never thought you two are a matched. Sis, I feel like there is something else you're keeping from me?"

Engfa (smiling faintly): "Some things are best left in the past, Nudee. I've made peace with my history."

Nudee (gentle): "But you deserve happiness too, Engfa. Don't let your past hold you back."

Engfa (thoughtful): "I believe the right person will come into my life when the time is right. Until then, I'll focus on my music and the people who matter the most, and when the right person comes, I am going to give my all, Nudee. Maybe I will resign from all the fame and dedicate myself to that person."

Nudee: "It sounds like you are waiting for a special person to come. Someone you walked away from."

Engfa: "We can't say what will happen in the future, little sis. Let's see what destiny brings to us."

And so, the silent agreement between Engfa and Charlotte's unspoken bond remained, their lives intertwined in ways beyond their comprehension. Fate, it seemed, had more surprises in store for them, weaving their destinies together

Thank you all for ur comments. It is really nice to read ur envouragements.

So I have two options to go with.
1. End the story with next chapter.
2. Made some drama and go for another 10 chapters.(not exactly sure how much)
So what u guys prefer.

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