Chapter 26

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After the wedding, the sun-kissed days of Thailand stretched ahead of them. Charlotte and Nudee, despite their closeness, spent their vacation separately. Charlotte cherished Nudee's friendship deeply but didn't want to risk it. She cherished their friendship very much, but she never felt anything romantically towards Nudee. To be honest, for the last five years, she never felt any romantic feelings towards anyone. She knew she had to address the issues between them honestly, and being honest meant she had to tell Nudee about Engfa's and her previous encounter. The unspoken feelings between them hung in the air, but neither had the courage to address them yet.

One evening, Marima hosted a housewarming party and invited her closest friends - Charlotte, Heidi, and Nudee - to her newly decorated house. Marima, always perceptive, thought it might be a good idea to invite Engfa too, sensing the unresolved tension between Charlotte and Engfa, hoping that time together might offer them a chance to reconnect.

Marima (warmly): "I'm so glad all of you could make it tonight. Let's enjoy the evening, everyone!"

The air was filled with laughter and the aroma of delicious food, creating an ambiance of joy and togetherness.

Engfa, despite her busy schedule, made it to the party, acknowledging the familiar faces around her with a warm smile.

Marima (appreciatively): "Oh, finally you made it, Engfa. Thank you for being here despite your busy schedule."

Engfa (gratefully): "Honestly, I should be thanking you. Last week was overwhelming, and I really needed a break."

Engfa engaged in light conversations with other guests, keeping an eye on Charlotte, whose smile still had the power to stir emotions deep within her.

Later in the evening, as the party began to wind down, Engfa and Charlotte found themselves standing on Marima's balcony, the city lights twinkling below. The atmosphere was serene, the distant hum of the city providing a backdrop to their conversation.

Engfa (softly, breaking the comfortable silence): "Charlotte, it's been a beautiful evening."

Charlotte (smiling, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions): "Yes, it has. I forgot how wonderful it feels to be surrounded by friends who truly care."

Engfa (gently): "They have missed you, Charlotte. Your presence brings a unique warmth to them."

Charlotte (playfully): "Since when did you guys become close friends? They never mentioned you being close to them."

Engfa: "After you left, they helped me forget some things, and we sometimes went for drinks to loosen up."

Charlotte (grateful, but still guarded): "I'm happy you guys became good friends."

Engfa (choosing her words carefully and hesitantly): "I know things have changed between us, but I hope you know that my feelings for you haven't."

Charlotte (looking at Engfa, her eyes searching): "Engfa, we've both moved on. We've built different lives."

Engfa (nodding, acknowledging the truth): "Yes, we have. But that doesn't mean the connection we shared can't be a part of our lives now."

Charlotte (reflective): "It's not that simple, Engfa. There are complications, emotions that I've tried to bury."

Engfa (softly, her sincerity shining through): "I'm not asking you to bury anything, Charlotte. I'm asking you to acknowledge what we had, the love that still exists between us. We don't have to rush into anything. We can take it one step at a time, together."

Charlotte (her guard waning, a glimmer of hope in her eyes): "Engfa, we can't be together. Remember last time we tried, we both hurt each other."

Engfa: "Everything has changed now, Charlotte. I am not in a relationship currently, and I know you are not too."

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