Chapter 22

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Feeling the weight of her recent actions and the scrutiny of the public eye, Engfa faced the glaring cameras and a room filled with reporters.

Engfa (apologetic tone): "I want to sincerely apologize to everyone for my behavior at the club. It was a moment of weakness, and I deeply regret my actions. I let down not just myself but also my fans, my friends, and my family. I am working on bettering myself, and I promise to learn from this mistake."

A heavy silence settled in the room as Engfa's words hung in the air. Her eyes met the reporters' gaze, reflecting her remorse and determination to make amends.

In the following days, Engfa tried reaching out to Charlotte, but her messages remained unanswered. Both of them were hurting, yet their ways of coping diverged. Engfa sought refuge in alcohol, drowning her sorrows in the depths of her regret. Meanwhile, Charlotte withdrew into herself, burying her pain in the busyness of work, hoping it would numb the ache in her heart.

As days passed, the distance between them grew, until Engfa found herself faced with the obligation to support Pitchy in the Philippines. The night before her departure, she mustered the courage to talk to Charlotte, knowing their relationship hung in the balance. So she went to Charlotte's apartment without prior notice, aware that Charlotte wouldn't agree if given the choice.

To Engfa's luck, Charlotte was home. They found themselves sitting face to face after a long time. Engfa, unwilling to beat around the bush, initiated the conversation.

Engfa (softly): "I know I didn't keep my promise to you. We're both hurting, and I understand if you've lost faith in us. Being in the public eye has its consequences, and I'm sorry, Charlotte. I can't ask you to wait any longer. If you find your peace elsewhere, I won't hold you back."

Charlotte remained silent, her expression unreadable, but her eyes betrayed the depth of her pain.

Engfa continued, her voice heavy with regret: "I have to leave for the Philippines tomorrow for Pitchy's concert. I don't want to go, but I have to fulfill my commitments."

There was palpable tension in the air as Engfa awaited Charlotte's response, her heart hanging in the balance, hoping against hope for understanding or forgiveness.

Charlotte, her voice barely audible, finally spoke, her words carrying a mixture of sadness and resignation.

Charlotte: "Engfa, I thought we had something real. But I can't keep waiting for a love that feels uncertain. I need stability, honesty, and trust in a relationship. Right now, I don't see that with us."

Engfa nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She understood the weight of Charlotte's words and the pain behind them. Engfa took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions.

Engfa (voice breaking): "I wish I could change everything, Charlotte. I wish we met under different circumstances. You deserve so much more than what I've given you. I never meant to hurt you, but I did, and I have to live with that."

Charlotte's expression softened, a flicker of sympathy in her eyes, but her resolve remained firm.

Charlotte: "Engfa, I need time. Time to heal. You are not available right now, and we both have to accept that. Maybe someday, we can find our way back to each other, but right now, I need to let go."

Engfa nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. She respected Charlotte's decision, no matter how much it hurt.

Engfa (whispering): "I'll always cherish the moments we had, Charlotte. You were a light in my life, and I hope you find the happiness you deserve."

Charlotte's eyes glistened with unshed tears, mirroring Engfa's pain. She reached out, gently touching Engfa's hand.

Charlotte (softly): "I hope you find peace too, Engfa. Take care of yourself."

With those words, Charlotte pulled her hand away, leaving Engfa with a profound sense of loss. Engfa stood up from the couch, blinking back tears, and left Charlotte's presence, knowing that this chapter of their lives had come to an end.

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